I have feelings too, Y/N... ❤️

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Requested by katiesavocados 
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Billie came into the living room.

"Hey Y/N, me and Malik are going out to eat at that new vegan place, can you come with?" Bil asked me. "Billie I don't know..." I said, as she knew I hated Malik. She hugged me "aww please....?" She pleaded. "Fine." I huffed.

An hour later we drove to the place and met up with Malik. "Hey babygirl" Malik said kissing Billie on the lips. That irked me. "Hey babe, lets go in. I brought Y/N because I thought she'd like this place" Bil said. He put his arm around her as we walked in. "Table for three please" I said. We were seated.

"What's been going on baby?" Malik asked. "Nothing, just been missing you... I'm also getting A's in everything now" she said. Malik smiled and I watched his arm move as it glided under the table and onto billies thigh. "B-babe not now" she said smiling and kissing him. He whispered something (probably dirty) into her ear and she laughed and told him to stop. We ordered and he started to touch her even more. "Baby, come on..." she said slightly annoyed but also turned on.

"So, what are you thinking of doing for your next project?" Malik said to me. "I don't know" I said not looking up from my phone. If I looked at him touching the girl I loved like that even more I'd cry. "Well I was j-" I cut him off. "Stop asking me questions, okay? I don't like you and I'm only here because Billie asked me to" I said as my voice cracked "Y/N, what's your problem??" Billie said. Great, now she's mad at me. "Nothing Bil."

I got up and went into the bathroom. The bathroom was a single person bathroom. I started sobbing as I slumped down against the door. I love her so much but she's straight. Thirty minutes later I heard a knock. "Y\N?" I heard Billie say. "What?" I said while sobbing. "Can I come in?"

"Fine." I unlocked the door and she came in kneeling next to me. She pulled me into her arms. "What's wrong?" I said as I held onto her tighter. "I can't tell you. You'll hate me." I cried.

"No I won't. You're my best friend and I love you. We can get through this together." I pulled away from her hug as she wiped my tears with her thumb. "I think I know why you're upset." She said.

I looked at her confused. "I'm going to ask you this once, okay? Your answer won't affect how much I care about you." I breathed in. "Do you have feelings for me?" She said blushing. I buried my head in my hands and nodded. "I have feelings too, Y/N... she said tearing up. "You're the only girl I've felt anything towards. Why didn't you tell me this before I found Malik?" She started to cry.

I was shocked. She likes me...? That's... confusing. I hugged her. "I didn't think you would feel that way, and I thought you would feel uncomfortable if I told you.... I love you and I didn't want to ruin our friendship." I said. She pulled away from my hug and gently leaned in and kissed me. She pulled away. "If you cut the shit and start dating me.... I can leave Malik. But if you're not ready for a some kind of relationship with me, I'll stay with Malik."

I hugged her. "I want to date you. You can have my everything."

Later that night, Malik had Billies number blocked. We cuddled through the night abs just talked.

Billie Eilish Imagines (PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS. I WRITE ALL REQUESTS GIVEN)Where stories live. Discover now