Angry 🤬

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I woke up next go Billie. I was pissed immediately. I had a pounding headache, it was 2:00 AM and I was just angry and I didn't know why. I got up to get Tylenol. There wasn't any left. I walked back into me and Billies room, getting into bed kissing her. "Mm, baby?" She groaned. "Baby wake up. I need you." I whined making her concerned. "Babygirl what's the matter??" She sat up.

"My head hurts and I'm really mad right now but I don't know why. That might sound weird but yea." I sighed. She turned the light on but put it on a dim setting. "I'm here mamas. What's making you mad?" She said pulling me into her arms. "Nothing. I just am mad." I said smiling. I nuzzled into her neck. "Would having sex help? It helps when I'm mad. I can go down on you if you want." She said kissing my head. "No thanks baby." I said yawning.

"Let's talk then. How are you?" She asked me. "Good baby. I can't wait to be done traveling... school starts soon and as weird as it sounds I'm excited." I smiled up at her. "You better get good grades this year. If you slack off like last year I'm gonna be upset. But you're doing so good baby and I'm proud. But like, don't try too hard. Still have fun babe, just try harder this year. I love you. My parents have legal custody of you now so basically if you don't do good in school it's on them. They won't like that." She laughed. "Baby.. that basically means you're my sister." I scrunched my face. "Ew don't say that bil" I laughed She switched the light off.

"I've never done online school." I said. We were touring so it's not like we could go to regular school. "It's not bad." She said with a yawn. I played with her shirt and traced my finger around her chest. "Wanna see a movie when you get back from New York?" She asked. "Sure. I wanna see crazy rich Asians or black klansman." I smiled at her. "Sounds great babe." She kissed my head. "Mmm, Baby you smell good." I complimented. "You don't smell good but thanks babe." She smiled. I smell horrible from sweating all night. "Sorry I smell babe." I said kissing her neck. "It's fine." She yawned. "Mama, can we get boba tea tomorrow?" I asked.

"Maybe. I love when you call me mama. It makes me feel... dominant. Like I'm the boss of you. I love bossing you around." She said sleepily. "Okay mama." I said kissing her neck. I love Billie so much. "Whisper to me." I requested. Whenever I can't sleep she whispers thing to me about how much she loves me, or what we're doing the next day, or any random number of topics. I don't respond, just listen. If relaxes me to hear her talk. It also helps my anxiety, which I have a bit of right now.

"Of course."

She whispered sweet nothings to me until I fell asleep.

Billie Eilish Imagines (PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS. I WRITE ALL REQUESTS GIVEN)Where stories live. Discover now