CaNWeDoStUfFToGeThEr? 😢

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Requested by katiesavocados
Y/S stands for Your Sexuality.

Billies POV

We were walking around. Me, Dani, Mia and Claire. Then I saw her. She was on her laptop typing when Mia said "Y/N, come here!" The girl looked up. I looked to Mia "you know her?" I asked. "Not really, she's just my sister" she said laughing.

"Hey... I'm a big fan of yours and I just really wanted you to know that." Y/N said. Awe, she's a fan. "Thanks, that means alo-" Mia cut me off. "Did you finish it??" She asked. "Yea, here" Y/N smiles handing her the laptop. "Finish what?" Claire asked. "My "absence" letter. I can't go to school tomorrow bro." We all laughed.

We drove back to Mia and Y/N's. After six hours we only talked like five times and it was all small talk and a tiny bit of flirting on my part. She has the cutest little face, even though she's probably not into me. Mia told me she was Y/S but I still don't have a chance. It was 10 pm and we were all ready to crash. "Billie, wanna sleep with me up in my room?" Y/N said. I grinned "sure."

"Damn bil, thought you'd wait a little longer before you'd sleep with a fan..." Mia winked. I blushed and looked down not wanting to embarrass myself. "Come on, lets ditch these thots." Y/N said. She grabbed my hand and led me upstairs into her room. "If you need something to sleep in go ahead and grab anything from my drawers." She pointed at her dresser. I nodded and grabbed a pair of silky shorts and a tank. I turned around to go into the bathroom to change and I saw something that shook me to the core.

Y/N in her bra and undies, changing into her pjs. She unclipped her bra and I saw the most amazing side boob/nipple ever. That's why being gay is fun; they just get changed right in front of you. She slipped on booty shorts and and a tank. I followed suit quickly so she didn't think I was weird and just staring at her string undressed.

"Bro were you just watching me get naked?" She laughed. "Maybe." I smirked blushing. "You're cuter than your sister." She blushed. "Thanks... you're cuter than Finneas." She laughed. We slipped into bed. She immediately lauded her head on my chest and started talking. We got to flirting and eventually I kissed her.

"Hey... maybe we can do some...stuff...together...." I proposed nervously. She ran her hand across my chest. "Yea. We can do stuff together..." she smirked.
"I like you. A lot." I said sweating. "I like you a lot too." Y/N said smiling up at me. "Good."

We fell asleep, and maybe we did some rated R things the next day 😏

Billie Eilish Imagines (PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS. I WRITE ALL REQUESTS GIVEN)Where stories live. Discover now