Ouch 🌛

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I got into the fetal position and nuzzled my head into billies neck. It was 3:30 AM and she was asleep. My leg is hurting like hell from falling earlier today and i wanna cry.

"Billie. Please wake up." I shook her. She awoke. "Baby, go to sleep." She said holding me. "Billie please help me go to sleep." I begged. "Fine." She said covering me with a blanket. She was obviously upset that I woke her up. "B-baby just go back to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you up with my stupid problems." I said guiltily. "No, babygirl your problems aren't "stupid" they're perfectly valid and as your girlfriend, as your lover and protector it's my job 100% of the time to make sure you're okay. Even if I'm having a shitty attitude about it like I am now." She said kissing me. She amazes me with her sweetness.

She kissed me again and pulled me into her chest. I started to tear up. This week has been difficult for me. I've gotten barely any sleep, I've had two panic attacks, six meetings, Billie and I got in a fight the other day, and I fell off of the stage today and hurt my leg. I started to sob into her chest. "Baby don't cry." She said gently as she wrapped her blanket around me. "Shhhhhh...." she grabbed her phone and looked at the time. "Honey, it's late. How about me and you grab a snack and watch a movie?"

I groaned and sat up. "Okay..." I said as she got up. She grabbed my face and wiped my tears. "Once you calm down I'll pop in a movie and get you a snack." She said kissing my nose. "I'm calm." I said looking into her eyes. "No. You're not. Neither of us are getting up until you're okay babygirl." She said. I smiled at the pet name she gave me.

She put in some random movie as I cuddled up to her.

Billie POV

My Y/N had her head in my chest as she nibbled on her bottom lip watching the movie. I started running gently running my fingers across her forehead. The phone started to ring.

It was Diego (Lil Xan). I picked up. "Hey, what do you need I'm trying to get my babygirl to sleep." I asked. "Yo I need you at the Hilton hotel I'm at by 7:00 AM. We need to discuss business, my manager wants to talk about our collab." I groaned, "okay me and Y/N will be there at six."

I looked down at her as she chewed her nails. I swatted her hand away and held it. I hate when she can't sleep. "Mama i need advil." She said turning and kissing me. "Okay babe" I said getting up and grabbing her some medicine. I filled a cup with some water and gave them to her. "You Okay now babygirl?" I asked. "Yea, come cuddle!" She said smiling and pulling me back into bed, inviting herself into my arms. "I love you." She said. "I love you too, beautiful." I said.

Billie Eilish Imagines (PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS. I WRITE ALL REQUESTS GIVEN)Where stories live. Discover now