"I want to have a family one day..." 👩‍👩‍👧

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Billie POV

It was Monday night. I'm watching my friend's daughter until Friday. With Y/Ns help of course. Me, Y/N and four year old Emily were watching Spongebob.

Y/N was about to nod off, but I wasn't about to let her leave me alone with this kid. "Baby, stay up." I whispered to her. "Okay." She said. I looked at my phone. It's 8:30, Emily's bedtime. "Emmy honey, after this episode it's bath time, ok?" I asked. "Awww. Ok" she said bummed out. Y/N ruffled her hair as Emmy laid across our laps.

After spongebob got over I got up. "Let's go em." I said picking her up. Y/N followed us into the master bathroom. I turned the faucet on and plugged the drain. "Em-" She yelled "I need my toys!" And ran into our room to grab her barbies, and quickly dumped them all into the tub. "Alright Baby, come here" I laughed. I got her undressed and set her in the tub. I let her play for a few minutes, then Y/N washed her and got her into her PJs and pull-up.

I was in bed texting Diego when Y/N brought Emily through our room into the guest room. I followed to tuck her in.

"Emily, I turned on a night light. If you have to go potty the bathroom light is on. If you have an accident come tell us right away, and I'll clean you up. If you get scared you can come in and sleep with me and Y/N. Just knock first, okay honey?" I said stroking her hair. "Okay." She said snuggling up with her stuffed cat. Me and Y/N read to her and kissed her goodnight before saying our I love you's.

Me and Y/N fell asleep in our bed an hour later. We woke up though- at 3 AM from my alarm going off- I forgot to turn it off. We cuddled in bed.

"Emmy's adorable." Y/N said. "Yeah." I yawned. "Y/N?" "Yes babygirl?" She said. "Can we... have kids one day?" She smiled at me. "Of course." She rubbed my hand.

Knock Knock

"Awe, we have a little visitor." Y/N smiled. She opened the door picking up em. "Can I sleep with you guys?" She asked. "Sure baby" Y/N said. Emily laid between the two of us, soon falling asleep. "I wanna have a family one day" I whispered to Y/N. "Me too baby." She murmured. We fell asleep peacefully.

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