Bath time 🛁

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Billie POV

I was writing a hook for my new song when Y/N walked in. She wrapped her arms around me. "Babyyy are you almost done? I want attention" she whined. "Baby no, I'm really busy." I said. She kissed my cheek. "But you've been busy all day and I just wanna love on you. You mean everything to me and I hate when you just lose yourself in work. Please babygirl, come do something w-" I cut her off, pissed that she was interrupting me. "Y/N I'm trying to fucking get something done and you're bothering me. Leave me alone I never get left alone by you and it's fucking annoying. Why do you think you can just fucking  interrupt me? All you care about is yourself, oh my fucking god." I yelled so loud I woke up our new puppy.

She let go of me and stepped back. "I- I'm sorry." She quickly shuffled out of the room visibly starting to cry. She ran upstairs and shut the door. I've been losing my patience and yelling at her a lot lately and I feel so bad. She cries every time and it takes hours to calm her down. All my anger at her melted away whem I realized I hurt her.

I went upstairs into our room. I climbed into bed and hooked an arm around her pulling her into my chest. She was shaking and sobbing. "Fuck I'm an idiot" I thought to myself. "Yo mamas I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said and you did nothing wrong, I'm just taking my anger and stress out on you and I'm sorry. I don't like hurting your feelings baby, and I know the only thing you wanted was my affection and to cuddle, but I was just... lost in my work, like you said". She looked up at me. "It's okay. I understand.". We didn't say anything and cuddled for an hour. After we started talking and smiling.

"I need a shower baby" I said. Wanna come with?" I asked. "No, baby I want a bath with you" She said kissing me. "Okay."

I ran a bath and put bubbles in it. She entered the bathroom and undressed. I did too and she smiled at me. "Baby you have such a nice body" she said. I looked down. I've always been conscious about my body. She kissed me. "You first." I got into the tub and she followed suit. I held Y/N in and washed her. She washed me but used her girly ass body wash I don't like but I wanted to make her feel special so I didn't say anything.

I forgot towels so we just ran to the bed naked and dripping with water and got under the covers.

"I love you" She said.

"I love you too, Y/N" i said as I held her and kissed her.

                              Part 2 preference

How she tells you something is wrong

She usually acts mad at you to get your attention. Ignores you, ignored affection, gets snarky and rude. She does this to others too. Not eating, or sometimes she'll just cry alone somewhere until you find her. To make her feel better she needs affection, love and understanding.

Billie Eilish Imagines (PLEASE MAKE REQUESTS. I WRITE ALL REQUESTS GIVEN)Where stories live. Discover now