Day -365

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I sat in the back of the classroom, just like I always did. There wasn't anything happening, besides getting a new student I needed to show around the school... but he didn't matter that much.

All that mattered was next year. In exactly one year I could sign up for a spot in Daganronpa! I could be a part of Daganronpa! Drool almost came spilling out of my mouth at just the thought.

I could be just like my uncle-

They always talked about him.

"Oh yeah, my brother was in Daganronpa... 44th season... he was the second ultimate detective!.."

One day they'd say; "Yup! That was my son! Isn't he amazing? He was the first detective to be blackened, isn't that super cool. He's up there, only antagonist beating him is Komeada-"

"U-Um.. h-hello" a short boy with black hair looked at me, then looked to the chair next to me... must be the new kid.. I don't recognize him at all!... then again I don't take much notice to half of the people in this school. He held his arm awkwardly, his eyes were glued to the floor as he seemed to chew on his lip.

"Yes?" I raise a brow.

"I-Is this m-my seat?" He asked, shaking the whole time. How cute! Reminded me of Okura Keizo from season twelve, which to be fair wasn't the best season but it did have a wonderful twist at the end, with the ultimate gardener actually being Monaca Towa.

His voice was soft and quiet, and in the oddest way... child like. It sounded as if puberty hadn't hit him yet. If I heard him talking to a group of five year olds I wouldn't be able to tell which was his and were was the kids' voices. I'd probably even assume his voice had come from one of them.

I couldn't help but stare at him, taking in every little feature. He looked like he belonged in Danganronpa, never had a seen such a beautiful human before.

Now that I was looking at him, he even looked like Okura!

He was short, almost looking malnourished. He looked as if the wind could easily tear him to bits, leaving nothing but his clothes and ashes behind.

His eyes were a lovely lilac, pretty long lashes paired with them. They seem filled with worry, but somehow that didn't detract from their beauty.

His skin was like Celestia Ludenberg's, pale and perfect, like a porcelain doll. In general he looked like one. He looked so pretty, so innocent, so pure... He looked as if he didn't belong in this world, like he'd been an angel.

What I'd pay to see it slowly taken away-

I could feel a blush taking over my face as saliva began rushing to my mouth yet again.

He stood there for awhile before talking again "E-Excuse me.."

"Oh! Sorry! Spaced out!" I smiled at him, "And.. I mean no one ever sits there really so, I guess if you want it can be your seat." A smile made its way across my face, and the boy visably flinched. Has my grin frightened him? Or did everything just make him flinch?

"I'm Saihara, Shuichi Saihara."

He nodded, not looking at me, but instead at a small book he took out, along with a pen, "I-I'm O-Oma..." he whispered.

I smiled, my smile turning into a gentle one. One a mother would give her toddler after it took its first few steps, "Oma.. I like the way that sounds... Oma," I laughed a bit.

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