Bad end

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I started to laugh like a lunitick

I stared at her in horror as she spoke, "This isn't like the original... don't you remember? This is nothing more than a fan made killing game! We couldn't afford the machines they used! Everyone who died really did die! Just the the first season!" Drool seemed to come out of her mouth as she spoke about the first season.

"No!" I cried out, my voice cracking. This couldn't be true... could it? They had to be alive! They had to... right?

"If you don't believe me, why don't we take a look at the corpses? Would that settle th-"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled picking up some of the debris and throwing it at her.

She rolled her eyes, unphased by the tiny pebble sized piece of ceiling hitting her, "So are you a two year old now?" Her voice was laced with a cynicism that I hadn't heard before, "Are you just going to keep throwing things at me until I die?"

She laughed a bit, taking a few steps closer to me, "Of course we both know you don't have it in you-" she bursted out laughing, "You couldn't hurt a fly even if you wanted to!"

I saw a piece of pipe and picked it up, stabbing it into her stomach.

She looked up at me, her eyes wide as she tried to speak but failed.

I ran away, looking for an exit, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. This has to be a dream.

There was yet another earthquake, but this one let to some of the dome coming apart making an exit for me. It was jagged so I cut myself a bit but nothing too bad. I was mostly just happy to have escaped.

I found I was on a hill over looking a big city so I began to make my way towards it, hoping to find someone there who could help.

...timeskip 1-2 years later...

I pulled my hood up as rain began to fall from the sky.

I had learned everything was true, not only those memories but the killing game being real.

I learned Tsumugi was an extreme fangirl of Danganronpa and couldn't let the game show end. Since her father was rich she decided to host her own killing game and kidnapped 16 random people, some who had previously tried out and others who had despised the game. She tricked them into signing contracts so she couldn't be sued for kidnapping them... or should I say us?

A part of me still liked to pretend that it was nothing more than a TV show, having no real effect on the world; but I knew oh too well what it had done, what it still is doing. There are believed to be other killing games going on, and the disappearance rate of high school students is extremely high.

I turned onto a hardly used dirt path, mud now getting on the bottom of my shoes. No one even batted an eye as I walked away, probably unaware of my existence.

I had been going to an online school since the killing game ended. The good thing is I didn't have to put up with my peers and the many questions they'd ask, but the bad part is I was alone. Not that I minded being alone anymore, after all I had gotten used to it.

It didn't take very long before I ended up at the steel gates.  I simply climbed over them, trying my hardest not to let my bag shake too much. Once over the fence I walked up to one of the two new stone slabs. I sat down next to it grabbing a bottle from my bag.

"I wish you were here... I wish I couldn't been able to figure you out... although I guess she didn't write you for that..." I unscrewed the cap and began pouring it out onto the soil, "I-I... I hope this reaches you... wherever you are..."

Once it was empty I set the bottle on the grave.

Here lies
Kokichi Oma
June 21 2050 - September 8 2066

Here liesKokichi OmaJune 21 2050 - September 8 2066

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