Day - 350

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I decided to stay home and watch Danganronpa that day. I was slightly sick, so when I called it didn't sound too fake. Plus it wasn't as if I called off all the time.

Oma had been ignoring me, bolting as soon as he gets the chance. It's as if he knows he's prey.

Maybe he's just anxious?

He seems like the anxious type.

But what's he anxious about? Maybe I should try his phone again? After all I did finally figure out his birthday...

I sighed, knowing I would have to finish Danganronpa first. Being an obsessed fan can be hard work.

I was far behind on the new season, having missed the latest three episodes, plus not having paid that much attention to the fourth.

Even though I shouldn't have I started my day off with it then go back to a season I adored. 44. Sure I should be watching the new season, but, it just wasn't as good.

I couldn't help but hold my breath as they opened the door to the basement, finding a body. This was season 44, my uncle's season. I don't know why but seeing his corpse calmed me. I'd never even known him, but I did know he was a fan favorite of the season. On the original air date people began crying over his death, some even killing themselves. It was an epidemic for a week or so. No character before him had caused such an epidemic.

In the first hour 2,000 people had died.

I sighed as I heard the door bell, forcing me to not only get up, but also pause Danganronpa. And it was one of my favorite scenes on top of it! The looks of disgust and despair on their faces were priceless!

I grumbled as I made my way down my stairs and to the front door.

Who would even be there? My parents weren't coming for another month at the earliest, and they never knocked, I had no friends, everyone thought I was too creepy.

I opened up my door, scowl covering my face, which was quickly changed to a look of shock, which then turned to happy and manic.

...maybe I did have friends after all... then again change that to one. I had ONE friend. One friend who I wanted to smoother in kisses as I strangle him-

He stood there, his hair and clothes drenched from the rain (wait it was raining?). He quickly took his bag off, handing me a book and a pile of papers.

"T-This is the work for t-today.." he murmured out, shivering as he did.

I nodded, "Thanks..." I took the pile from his hands then looked back to him, "It's cold out there... why don't you come in?"

"W-What?!" His face somehow became paler as his eye shot open, wide as could be.

"You heard me~" I said in a teasing way, "Why don't you come in? It's not like you haven't before."

He looked to his arm, then back to me, then to his arm again, "I-I... I can't!"

"Why not?"

"They'd get angry at me again!" He hissed out.

"Who?" I asked, taking a step forward.

"My aunt and uncle!" He shrieked, covering his head.


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