Day -299

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I'm sorta freaking out and yeah-
It's by Tesspacito and um yeah thanks-

I played with Oma's hair as he slept, twirling it and such. His hair was so smooth. So soft.

Of course I couldn't do that for the whole day.

I reluctantly got up, putting on my nicest outfit. My parents would be upset with me if I wasn't wearing nice clothes, although I hoped this wasn't over doing it. Didn't want think I was being a try hard.

I looked back at Oma, wanting to curl back up next to him, but I knew I couldn't. I ruffled his hair before leaving my room. I didn't want to be there when my parents arrived. They would see that as lazy.

It only took about half an hour before they arrived, their friends close behind. It was a couple (as I'd guessed) the woman looked to be in his late twenties, early thirties. She had blond hair and hazel eyes. Her hair looked as if it'd been bleached, although I could be wrong. Her husband was also blond, except his hair was extremely light, and his eyes were crystal blue. Their son looked much like the dad, having light blond hair, almost silver, and electric blue eyes.

"Shuichi!" my mother greeted, running over to hug me. I knew this was all for show, she normally would be too disgusted to even look at me, much less touch me.

"How are you my dear son?" She sounded just as over dramatic as always.

"Good," I responded quickly, wanting this to end as soon as possible. I didn't want to leave Oma for too long. He could wake up at any moment and I would miss it! I would miss seeing his eyes slowly flutter open!

"Well shall we let the children get to know each other while we talk about... business?" My father cut in.

His friend nodded, "Yes, let us do that," they began walking to the kitchen. As soon as they were out of sight I began rushing back to my room immediately, although I didn't realize how bad on an idea that was.

When I opened the door Oma was had his shirt off, he had woken up while I was gone and apparently decided to change. Oma blushed when he noticed me, then he stared right next to me, eyes going wide as he covered his chest, "W-Who's that?!" He croaked out.

I rolled my eyes, "Oma you're going cra-"

"I'm Kiibo," a voice male voice said. I turned my head, nearly falling onto my back,

He followed me.

That little dick.

Oma nodded cautiously, looking around and picking up a hoodie and throwing that on quickly, "W-Well why a-are y-you here?" I could tell Oma was shaking, he looked ready to faint.

"Well... my parents said I had to come with them for once, since it's 'not healthy to have no friends' but I don't think it is. People suck," the blond boy rambled on.

Oma nodded slowly, "Well why-why are y-you in S-Saihara's room?"

"Why are you?" Kiibo replied in a snarky manner.

Oma began to blush again, and actually did faint.

Great! Now I have to put up with blonde over here, and Oma isn't here to help! Great!

I began gritting my teeth as I picked Oma up and put him back on my bed.

Kiibo didn't come into my room, instead staying right outside my door. I rolled my eyes at that, "Are you going to come in? Or do I need to invite you in?" I mocked.

Kiibo shook his head, steping inside, "I just wasn't sure what to do."

I rolled my eyes again. I'd only known this boy for a few minutes and I could already tell I hated him.


Today was going to be a long day. A very long day.

I refused to speak to the boy, so we say in silence until Oma woke up. The poor boy looked like he wanted to die, if I'm going to be honest,


"I'm Kiibo!" The blond reached his hand out to the other. Oma took it, hesitantly. It was as if touching Kiibo would make his skin fall off,

"I-I'm Oma..." the other said, staring at the ground. He really didn't like this.

"Well... What do you guys do?" Kiibo asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"...Things..." I answered, unable to think of anything besides watch Danganronpa.

"Oh cool! I do things too! I like to work with robots! I actually help design all of the robots and models used in Danganronpa!" Kiibo said, cheerfully. It was almost as if he was talking about his dream.

"Y-You work on Danganronpa?" Oma asked, eyes going wide.

Kiibo nodded, "My mom checks the scripts, and my dad does most of the work on the world. He makes sure it's all programmed correctly."

"S-So it's true it all happens in a... vitural reality of sorts?"

Kiibo nodded, "All besides the first one, that one really happened... well I mean, not really, but- eh this is so hard to explain!" He sighed, giving up. Oma gave him a confused nod.

"So... what do you guys do?"

"Didn't you already ask that?" I snapped. It annoyed me when people repeated themselves.

"I might've... I have a horrible memory, can't ever remember anything. I once forgot my own birthday!"

I nodded, this boy sure was chatty.

"I wish I could forget stuff that easy," Oma said, sighing. Oh great, now he's going to be angsty. Just what I needed, an angsty Oma, and talkative... whatever this boy's name was.

"W-Well how long are you going to b-be here?" Oma question.

"Just this weekend. We go back to the states after this," he seemed a bit sad when he said that, as if he'd rather stay here. Strange, he hasn't even been here for an hour, yet he would rather stay.

"Oh... Is it fun there?"

"I mean... sure... I just kinda hate it, they always have me test their stuff out. They say is safer, and better for me to try it out, I just think they're just too lazy to hire another person."

Oma and Kiibo talked for a while, I didn't pay much attention.

A/N: can you tell I've run out of ideas and am just trying to stretch this out-

so I should really wait and realease this on Friday since that's supposed to be my upload day, but I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed this Friday (unless all hell breaks lose, which is very likely tbh-) and so idk if I'll remember to upload/update this
might also upload a chapter this weekend depending on how I'm feeling.

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