Day -358.2

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Photo has nothing to do with this chapter, I just drew that and am super proud of it-

Edit: I took Momota out. He wasn't there for any reason tbh

I opened the doors to find something I didn't want to find.

There was blood on the walls, and the floor. It wasn't just a little dash over here or there, it was a lot. My heart sank immediately. Had someone beat up Oma? I would slit their throat if they had!

I opened up the stall the blood seemed to be oozing out of, holding my breath as I did. I crouched down, trying to get a better look.

"H-Huh?" A boy weakly raised his head up to look at me. He had black curly hair that went down to his shoulders, making my heart rate speed up. I wanted to punch whoever did this, I wanted to kill them... that is... until I noticed his eyes. His eyes were brown... Oma didn't have brown eyes... I got up immediately, kicking the boy in the face.

I smiled as I walked out, happy that wasn't Oma! It was just some loser! Probably a stupid first year!

I looked in every hiding spot I could think of, but still couldn't find him. I didn't eat my lunch since I was too busy looking for him.

When I got back to class he wasn't there. He did come in, but he was at least five minutes late. The teacher scolded him and he took a seat on the opposite side of the room.

Was he avoiding me?

Is that what this was?

I felt my hand curl up into a fist as a smile crawled it's way onto my face.

If that's the way he's going to play then I guess I'll have to fix it.


He began walking home, unaware that I was following him the whole time. I kept my distance, and had on my spare hoodie, my hood pulled up so it covered my face.

He put on a pair of earbuds as soon as he got outside of the school, he seemed to notice things even less then normally.

He walked in the opposite direction of my house, so I recognized nothing. It was weird, everything looked familiar, but different. On the busy street he walked down I noticed at least three Danganronpa themed shops, and one cafe. I'd have to try it sometime, the prices they were advertising outside didn't seem too bad. Of course then he had to make a turn down an alley way. He kept looking over his shoulder, eyes as wide as saucers. I hid behind the trash can, thankful it was getting dark so it was hard to see. If there was more light he probably would've noticed me right away, ruining what little chance I had of making him like me again.

After the alley he was now on the side of the city I never went to. It always filled me with wonder when I was a little kid, but my parents never let me go, they always warned me how bad it was. Murder ran rampant, drug deals going on on every street corner, homeless everywhere. The area always reminded me of a despair filled world, at least with the way my parents and the news had described it. I used to wonder if Danganronpa had caused this, or if Danganronpa was inspired by it... but walking down this street... it didn't seem much different from my street. Sure the buildings were more rundown, but it wasn't that bad. It wasn't the apocalyptic dystopia they always mad it out to be.

At one point something fell out of his pocket, I bent down and picked it up. A phone. It was a slim black one, with a purple case, an older cheaper model. I looked up, towards him, confused again. Oma was still listening to something... he must've had a MP3 or something like that...

I pocketed the phone, deciding I'd go threw it later.

I figured out he lived in an apartment. It wasn't a nice complex, it seemed like it was 80 or 100 years old, probably build in the 1960s or 80s. Some of the windows were broken, boards covering them. Most didn't have screens. The paint seemed to be hanging on for dear life, as if no one had thought to reapply a coat in the last decade.

I couldn't tell exactly which one Oma lived in, but I now knew he lived on the third story. It made me happy to know where he lived.

I decided I would go threw his phone at the cafe. Afterall it would give me something to do while I waited for my food.

It, of course, had a pass word. I tried a few different things, but nothing seemed to work. I was about to give up when I had a realization, most people had their password as something stupid, like their birthday. His was probably his birthday! I just needed to figure out what it was! I put his phone in my pocket. I would just go to the office tomorrow and make up an excuse to see the records. That should work.

A/N: So this is at 1k which is weird-
I'm probably going to rewrite some of the earlier chapters at some point, since I've decided imma just post my almost finished drafts, and actually finish them later, since it could take me months the other way.

Anyways I wanna say that it took me awhile, buuuuttttt if I'm right the outside world is set in the 2060s. It took me awhile, but it seems to work.

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