Day -199

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Oma blushed as I gripped his hand, "Come on! This is going to be so exciting!"

He nodded, his blush somehow only growing, "I-If you say s-so..."

"I do! It's not going to be as good as Danganronpa, of course, but nothing could be better than that!"

He chuckled a little bit at that, "I'd r-rather be i-in your room w-watching it than he-here..." he sighed.

"But Oma... please... nothing bad will happen! I promise!"

He sighed, "Pinky promise?" He held out his pinky, and I wrapped mine around it, nodding.

"Anything for you~"

In the months that Oma and I had officially been dating we never went on any actual dates. We would go to cafes and such but we would quickly leave. Oma didn't like the outside world that much, and neither did I so it was understandable. But this, this was exciting!

A circus had appeared in our city, along with a full on carnival with games prizes and rides! I begged Oma for a week to go and he finally gave in. Our first real date! I needed to make this super special!

I pointed to a Ferris wheel, "Do you wanna go on that?"

He nodded, "S-Sure the line doesn't seem too long..." his grip on my hand got tighter as we got closer, I'm not sure why.

At first when we got on we stayed quite, I wasn't sure exactly what to say.

"...My mom always liked these..." he said in a small voice.



"K... Hey Oma...." I started.

"Y-You know you don't have to call me that..." he murmured.

"I don't? Then what do I call you?"

"K-Kokichi... we've been d-dating for months you don't ne-need to be formal," he smiled at me, slightly blushing again. I took the opportunity and kissed him, it was a fast kiss but still.

When Oma and I got off we started to walk towards an arcade area of sorts. It had a few antique arcade machines and some of those stupid games like the one where you try and pop the balloons with the dart. Oma's eyes light up as we got closer, he seemed to be eying one of the prizes. I was about to ask him what it was when some blue haired girl knocked into him, sending him to the ground. She quickly got up, dusting off her skirt before offering a hand to Oma, "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!"

Oma, hesitantly, accepted her hand, dusting himself off as soon as he got up.

"Are you ok Oma?" I asked rushing over to him, scanning over him.

"Y-Yeah," he nodded, "Just fell, no big deal.."

I nodded then turned back towards the girl, ready to yell at her... but she was gone. I sighed, deciding not to worry about it and instead have a nice time with Oma.

"So what do you want to do first?"

"...U-Umm... what about playing this?" He pointed at one of the arcade machines.

"Sure! Whatever you want!"

Oma began to play a few rounds while I went over to one of the booths. I wanted to win something for Oma, maybe even get us something matching!

I decided to play the darts game... and I sucked at it. I played it four times before Oma came over and I gave up; the first time I hit one, the second and third I hit nothing and the fourth I hit one... again.... the prize was the same both times, an old game controller keychain. I gave one to Oma and acted like I was good at it.

He looked really happy as he stared at it, "N-No one's ever given me a gift before!" He then hugged me, "Thank you!"

I blushed, "Of course, anything for you."

We were there for hours, we rode the Ferris wheel a few more times, holding each other's hands for most of the time. I only let go of his hand for a second, I needed to tie my shoe.

When I looked up he was nowhere to be seen. I quickly began to look around, calling out his name but I didn't see him. It didn't help that it had gotten dark, making it harder to see.

"Oma!" I called out for a final time.

Had he really finally abandoned me? Was he really no better than everyone else?

I began to walk towards the exit, deciding that Oma was truly like everyone else. There was nothing special about him, he was just like everyone else I despised. I was delusional to think other wise-

"Hey!" I heard from behind me, making me quickly turn.

I saw the blue haired girl again, and she was holding Oma tightly by his shoulders, making me angry. I wanted to go over there and slap her but I held myself back. Who knows what she has and if it could kill Oma.

"Want him back?!" She asked, a wicked smile taking over her face. I nodded rapidly, why wouldn't I??

"Then sign this!" She held out a page of a notebook. I eyed it suspiciously before turning my gaze back to her, "Don't worry! It's not a big deal! Just sign it!"

I sighed but complied, signing the stupid thing. She let go of Oma and disappeared yet again.

As soon as she left Oma began crying, so I ran over to him and attempted to comfort him. It seemed to work since he fell asleep holding onto me.

A/N: this took awhile... I hate writing fluff... Also yes I made Saihara sorta nice for once wowoooowniansiheibaobdojavojsal
I'm tired-

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