Day -213/2

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It was very late when I hear a knock at my door, 11:34. I grumbled as I made my way to the door, glaring the whole way there. I had a bad feeling about this, but I decided to open the door anyways.

Oma stood on my door step in a lose fitting t-shirt and baggy pants, he had a black eye and bloody nose... maybe a few scratches. My gaze immediately softened as I let him in, taking him straight to the bathroom.

"...It was him again, wasn't it?" I asked as I grabbed the peroxide from the cupboard.


I raised an eyebrow as I began to put the rag onto his cuts, "Then who was it?"

"...I-It... it was... uummm...."

I sighed, "Oma, please... You know you're a horrible liar."

He looked defeated, "...P-Please don't do a-anything s-stupid..."

I scoffed, "Oma, I'm not going to do anything stupid!"

He flinched, "...I'm sorry... let's just go and watch Danganronpa or something... ok?"

He nodded and I took him to my room, setting up the show on my TV, "Do you care what season I put on?"

"H-Hmm... I-I don't think I-I've seen season 44..."

My eyes went wide, "What?!"


"Oma! We have to watch it right away!"

I hastily set it up, plopping down next to Oma after. As soon as the intro began I could feel excitement filling me.

Season 44 was boring story wise, it was sorta like 28, but they added a new gimmick to it; the game players were some of the kids from Towa city... it was also the last season to-

"H-Hey... Saihara..."


"...That... never mind..."

"No! Tell me!"

"No, i-it's stupid..."

"Oma, pleaaaassseeeee!"

"...That guy... he sorta looks like you..." he mumbled.

"Oh! Him?" I pointed at the screen.

"Y-Yeah... Him..."

"Well that's because he's my uncle!"

"Your uncle was in Danganronpa?" He sounded slightly excited and turned towards me.


"That's so cool! Can I meet him? I want to meet him-"

"He died."


"Yeah... two or three of the machines got messed up, and the three people connected to them... died... he was supposed to be one of the survivors."

Oma looked saddened, "I'm sorry..."

"It's fine! I never knew him!" I smiled as I turned back to the TV.

Suddenly in the middle of watching this, a person came out of the TV(it sorta reminded me of the ring-). It was a boy with navy blue hair and a suit of some sort... he looked like me... but he couldn't be me. Could he?

"W-What?" I looked very confused as he stared at Oma and me, "Y-Your dead!" He pointed at Oma, "Your dead! This can't be happening!"

Suddenly a gun flew out of the TV. I grabbed it and looked on the side, Miu Iruma's vore (fuck you autocorrect-) gun. I pointed it at the guy and then he became small and I ate him and Oma ran away and never spoke to me ever again. He started blowing this whistle whenever I got even slightly close to him and I had to have all my classes changed so we weren't in the same class.

Bad end

A/N: I got bored sooo have this... like the first half is what I have so far for the next chapter and ummm yeah....
Also I'm thinking that I'm going to give this story like three endings, bad ending, good ending, and true ending idk...

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