-Day 298

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The first day not much happened, but the second day is when it all went to hell.

I had to make Oma sleep on the floor under my bed to make sure my mother didn't find out about him. I felt bad, but I knew it was for the best. If my mother found out she'd probably hurt one of us, she'd probably drag him out of the house by his hair. I didn't want her to her him.

A part of me couldn't belive it, he actually made me feel things. Actual emotions. But the other part couldn't believe I'd gone most of my life not caring about Oma. How had I not always known about him? How did I live my life without him?

When I got up the first thing I did was get on the ground and watch Oma sleep. He looked so so so peaceful. He looked so peaceful he almost looked dead. That thought alone made a smile stretch its way across my face. Would Oma be happy if he died?

"Shuichi," my mother called out as she knocked on my door.

"Yes?" I replied as I got off the floor.

"We're going out for dinner tonight. Bring that supposed friend of yours please, your father and I are dying to meet him," she said, not even opening up the door. She sounded so fake. So very fake. Of course my parents have always been very fake people. Unlike Oma, Oma isn't fake.

"Ok, I'll call him later and ask," of course it wouldn't surprise me if she couldn't hear me since she'd already walked away. She probably still didn't believe that I had a friend, after all I never seemed to have any growing up... or at least I could never keep them for longer than a week or two. They'd always get creeped out by my Danganronpa obsession, but Oma seemed to make no comment on it. Half the time I wasn't even sure if he was aware of how bad my obsession really was, or if he was just pretending it was alright.

But if he was pretending not to notice it, what was his motive?

Did he have someone he wanted me to kill?

Was he too afraid to bring it up himself?

Was he afraid that if he ever uttered the word obsession and Danganronpa in the same breath that I would slowly slide my blade from one side of his pretty little neck to the other? Because I surely wouldn't do that. That might take away the sounds of his screams, and I wouldn't want to take those away... or at least that's what I kept telling myself...

"What time is it?" Oma's sweet voice brought me back to reality. When I looked towards my bed I saw he was still on the ground, although no longer actually under my bed, rubbing his eyes.

I slightly pulled my phone out of my pocket, "11:25... Guess we slept in huh?"

He nodded, "W-Where's K-Kiibo?"

I shrugged, "Dunno, don't care."

Oma seemed to roll his eyes, but said nothing. He got up off of my floor and sat down on my bed. It seemed like he was deep in thought as he stared at the ground. Did he really want to know where the dumb robot kid was? He lifted his head up and turned towards me, taking a deep breath.

"...Do you ever wish you had more friends?"

"Well, I don't really like people, soooo... no."

"B-But... What about me?" Oma looked on the verge of tears suddenly, "Don't you like me?"

I tilted my head slightly to the side, "...What makes you think that?"

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