True end

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"W-What?! Of course not!" Tsumugi seemed nervous.

I was right!

"Then why are you getting nervous?

"W-What I'm not!" The background began glitching, some parts missing completely replaced with a black void.

"Yes you are, let me out!"

Tsumugi changed her appearance once again, now looking like Junko, "There's no way you're getting out! Don't you understand?! The game isn't over Mr. Detective~!" She changed to Kokichi for the last few words.

"Yes I am! Let me out! Why isn't it over!?" I yelled getting annoyed.

"There is no en-"


I seemed to have passed out although I'm not exactly sure. When I opened my eyes I found I felt slightly lightheaded. Everything was bright, too bright, the walls were white and there were florescent lights above flickering. There was also some yelling although I found I couldn't make much sense of it, my head hurting too much. I closed my eyes again my hands making their way up to my head.

Calm down, I tried telling myself, you're safe... you're fine.

"I'm not leaving with out him!" I could hear someone yell, although my brain seemed to fail to recognize who. Their voice was one I had heard before though, I was sure of that.

"Come on! He isn't waking up! We can't wait on him forever!" Another male yelled at the other, his voice was much deeper sounding, it had an annoyed tone to it.

"Please! I'm sure he will any second now! Please!"

"Atua thinks we should wait!"

"Angie quit," the second guy sighed.

"He's right, we don't have time to was-" another voice spoke up, this one was a girl's, she sounded serious yet quit mid way though, "He moved."

"Saihara-chan~!" I opened my eyes to find Oma above me, reminding me of the insect meet and greet.

I reached my hand out, I didn't even realize I was until I was touching him, "I-Is this... real?"

Oma stared at me, blushing wildly as I moved my thumb over his cheek.

"Well he's up, can we go now?" I looked over to where the voice came from and saw them. It wasn't all of them, probably not even half, but it still made me happy to see them again. There stood Iruma and Angie, Amami behind them, with Maki in front glaring at Oma with Tojo standing behind her. None of them wore either the clothes from the beginning of the killing game or what they wore threw out it, instead everyone wore the same light blue long sleeve with black colored pants.

"Shut up you stupid cumdumpster! We'll go when my beloved wants to!" Oma turned his head around and (at least I guess-) glared at Iruma.

"C-Cumdumper?!" She moaned out.

Oma opened his mouth but Amami interrupted him before he could even say a word, "Saihara, can you walk?"

I didn't answer at first, confused, "Yeah... Why wouldn't I?"

Amami shrugged, "You've been out the longest out of any of us... besides them..." he sighed not telling me who them was, though I could guess. "Let's just get going before they find us and stop us," and with that the door opened.

At first we walked down the halls silently, every one seemed on edge as we attempted to make as little noise as possible.

I still couldn't believe it, it all felt like a dream but this couldn't be... could it?

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