Day -364

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I smiled as I held him close. He smelled just like grapes. He laughed a bit as he stared at the TV screen. Danganronpa 8 playing, this one being my favorite season. I could easily recite every word uttered in it, which would probably scare most honestly.

"Shuichi!" He yelps as I place a kiss on his cheek. I blush slightly at the use of my first name.

"Yeah Kichi?" I respond to him using his first name, or what I believed to be his first name. I never heard him say it out loud, but I saw it written somewhere on his sketchbook.

"S-Stop!" He murmurs out, putting his hands over his eyes. I chuckled at that, finding it adourable.

"But why?" I ask as my hand makes its way under his shirt.

"Because I want you to!"

"Well then you'll have to stop me, now won't you~" I licked the shell of his ear, making him shudder and call out my name, making me smirk. I began moving my hand up and down his chest, almost in a petting motion. "Oh Kokichi~" I smiled, "Why are you so adorable~?" He opened his mouth to respond but I cut it off with a bite to his neck. I bit hard enough to draw blood. I happily lapped up the pink substance coming from him, loving the taste.

It was just as sickeningly sweet as the rest of him.

Of course it was. Why would t his blood taste like strawberry flavoured candy?





Of course I not only dream about Oma, but it cuts out right at the good part. Of course.

Again, when I woke up all my mind kept going to was Ouma. I wanted to know so much more about him. Where had he originally come from? What was his favorite food? What did he want to be when he grew up? Who was his favorite character from Danganronpa, or season even. What got him into the wonderful series to begin with?

I sighed as I peeled my body from my bed slowly. I didn't want to go to school, though Oma would make it more bearable. I sloppily grabbed from clothes from my floor, throwing them on lazily. The whole time I couldn't help but wonder if Oma would approve of my clothing choice... as if it even mattered. Why should I care what he thought, it's not like he really was a Danganronpa character; he nearly resembled one.

I went into the bathroom pulling out my tooth brush for the first time in months. It was scary how much he had effected me after knowing him for such a short time. It was as if he was all I'd ever known. It was as if he was the most interesting thing to ever exist! But I knew he wasn't, not by far. He was actually quite dull... maybe that's why he intrested me? Because I'd never met someone so dull in all my life? It did sound plausible, after all this world seemed so insane. Had it always been this way? It seemed just as bad as the world in Danganronpa after despair began eating at it.

I slowly made my way downstairs, wondering if Oma too had to go downstairs. He said he lived in an apartment right? So he probably didn't live on the first floor. I bet he did, I wonder if he liked it.

As I pulled my grape soda from my fridge I was reminded of the small boy yet again. The label was the same color as his eyes. I couldn't help but wonder if he liked grape. What if he didn't did he like soda at all? I shrugged at it and grabbed an extra can, deciding to give him one, if he didn't like grape then I'd just drink it after school on my walk home.

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