Day 0

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The day started like any other day, Oma and I got up and began to get ready for school.

Oma smiled as he looked at his phone, "T-Today's the day I met you... I can't believe it been a year already," he hugged me before putting his coat on.

"Yeah, feels live we've known each other forever," I said placing a quick kiss on his nose making him blush. I laughed a bit, even after months of dating he still blushed at the smallest things.

He laughed a little before we headed out of the house.

"So y-your parents are coming this weekend?"

"Yeah, mom said she needed to grab a few things for this new part in this movie," I said as I reached for his hand.

"A-Ah... W-"

A black van pulled up next to us, people in black suits getting out, their heads covered by black ski masks and sun glasses.

They grabbed Oma and I tried to make them let go but one of them pulled a cloth out of nowhere and put it over my face. I still tried to kick and hit them, trying to let my beloved escape but nothing seemed to work and I fell unconscious.

When I woke up I was in a small cell like room and was blinded by a bright light.

"A-are you awake now?" I could hear Oma ask as he sobbed. I turned my head and found him laying next to me crying his eyes out.

"Yeah.. how're you doing?" I caressed his cheek making him blush.

He shrugged, "I-I..." he began to sob, tucking his head into my chest, "I want t-to go home-"

I combed threw his hair trying to calm him but failing, "Shhh Oma it's ok... we'll escape.. I know we will."

That seemed to calm him down and we had a nice peaceful silence going on. That is until he had to ruin it, "W-Why do y-you think th-they kidnapped us?"

"How should I know? Probably something to do with my parents. We shouldn't worry too much, after all, all that matters is that we escape."

He nodded, "I'm tired now though, so can we sleep for a bit?"

"Whatever you want..."


I'm not sure how long we had been in there but someone came in and grabbed Oma and began to drag him out, he reached out and grabbed my hand trying to stay with me. Of course that couldn't work out, and he was forced to let go.

"Saihara!" He yelled tears streaming down his face.

"Oma! I promise I'll find you again! And I promise I won't let you get hurt! We'll be together soon enough!"

And with that my cell's door was closed and I had nothing but the white floor, white ceiling and white walls to stare at. Also the two white beds but I couldn't look at those, after all, one was meant for him.

A/N; I'm sorry this is so short and whatnot I might rewrite it idk

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