(Anduin) What A Strange Rogue

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Art by orli001
Leaving Stormwind behind now seemed like a problem. Surely Anduin had to convince his father that he will be fine while on his journey to Pandaria, after a lot of requests and begging, King Varian gave up and allowed his son to travel on his own.
But now Anduin missed the city, its bustling streets, cathedral bells and the familiar tune of the city taverns. All he could do now was to sit down and watch the endless waves of the sea in silence, praying that the ship arrives at Pandaria without a storm or attack from pirates... or the Horde. Little to Anduin's knowledge that he had been followed by a certain spy from the Horde, all along.
Dimly glowing (e/c) eyes watched the Stormwind's Prince from the shadows, before quickly hiding again as he was looking around.
"Cautious little..." she muttered under her breath, before exiting the crate that she was hiding in.
The rogue was able to smuggle herself easily into the ship by hiding in one of provision crates, nobody even suspected a thing. The rogue began to wonder that the ship's owners should check their supply of crates well enough, this kinds of things happen a lot and yet they have to learn.
Anduin had this strange feeling since he departed from Stormwind, as if someone was watching him. At first, he didn't quite care about it that much but now, he began to feel uncomfortable and maybe even a little paranoid. Since he was alone in his chamber and even if an assault does end up happening, it will take a while for everyone to hear him.
"I assume I will take a walk then" Anduin muttered to himself, glancing around the room, proceeding to walk towards the exit door.
"He's leaving... great" she muttered before she carefully stood up to follow him, but a misplaced footing was all it needed for him to know about her presence
"I knew that you were following me from Stormwind" Anduin stopped at his pace and turned around
"And only now you found that out" she scoffed, stepping out from the shadows, if not for the jawbones sticking out from her cheek, she would look human
"I intentionally didn't bother about you, I knew it all along that you were there" Anduin quickly replied, a little embarrassed
"If my job wasn't about just spying, I would've killed you easily, a bird wouldn't even see me" she laughed in mockery
"I believe in reasoning and this is why I'm trying to sort this matter out by talking, you are mistaken if you think that I cannot fight" Anduin frowned
"So you are going to Pandaria?" she asked, ignoring his tough words entirely
"As if it wasn't obvious" he replied
"And completely alone?" she looked at him as if she was looking at a lost puppy
"Not really..." Anduin didn't quite understand what she meant
"I mean your chamber look entirely empty, prince, you sure you won't be bored?" She smiled
"What?!" Anduin gasped, frowning at her
"easy there!" The rogue chuckled "You are angered so easily" she laughed "I was simply talking" she whispered, as she walked closer to him, reaching for something from between the prince's arm and waist, resulting in them to be uncomfortably close to each other. Anduin only looked momentarily in her eyes before looking away, visibly nervous and embarrassed "Don't worry, I'm just reaching for the door knob... you are turning pink" she laughed and opened the door, Anduin slightly glared at her
"By the way, I'm (y/n), guess we'll be meeting again soon" Anduin could've sworn he saw her wink before she disappeared into the shadows of night. What a strange rogue indeed...

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