(Flynn Fairwind) That Charming Rogue

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Requested by: Auburn_Rose_
The cool air from the harbor brought the fresh smell of seas, something that would restore... no regrow one's lungs if they were missing as Flynn would say. Ever since she met with him, she grew fond of his jests and laughter, wishing that they would meet again after the escape from that prison. Surely, she didn't quite like him when he was breaking every single prisoner free and thus breaking the law but she could care less as her own life was in danger. And all that charming rogue did was to save it. Now was her chance, she walked in the office where she was supposed to meet Flynn, holding documents and leases in her hands.

The druid didn't need to glance around too much, the dirty blonde hair tied up in a neat ponytail and his dark coat with a fur neck were unmistakable. Flynn almost looked too charming to be a shady character that he is.
Not to mention that laugh, he was standing by a table making jokes and laughing at his own jokes. If it was anyone else, they would pity him for it but (y/n) she saw a strange charm to it, something that would even catch her most calm and collected self off guard.

Smiling to herself she walked towards him
"Greetings" she said happily.
Flynn turned his head, smiling at her
"Ah hello, we meet again" he answered, courteously bowing as if mocking a noble
"so decided to meet poor little Flynn after that... erm 'break' of something" he muttered, nervously laughing.
Still afraid that they would be taken prisoners again even if he mentioned of that prison break. Well, not them, just him.
"I actually was sort of... looking forward for another meeting" she replied, shyly giggling
"I see, yeah after that little event you did fall for my dashing charms and was eager to know what my name was" he cleared his throat before speaking in a girlish voice "whatever shall I do without you sir Flynn! Which kingdom's knight art thou?!" he laughed loudly.

Noticing the sheer confusion in (y/n)'s face he raised his hands quickly "sorry sorry!" he chuckled "I sometimes take my silly jests too far, surely a great hero like you wouldn't even think of that way to a former pirate" he paused for a bit before talking again
"Ah but I'm wasting your time now hero, you can kill me for that but... not now, there must be important tasks needed to be done?" Flynn said, his eyes looking at the documents that (y/n) held.

The druid was a bit disheartened however, that how he almost read her mind and took it all back afterwards.
"Yes... um, the Lady Katherine seeks to find her daughter... these documents might have information about her whereabouts" she muttered and forwarded the documents towards the blonde haired man.
Flynn took the papers in his hands and shuffled through the pages, (y/n) watched as his indifferent expressions changed to absolute surprise
"Holy dust..." he looked visibly in cringe "I'd grow old and die lonely if I were to read all this... Hmph, Ashvane and legality... and there, not a single word about Lady Jaina's whereabouts" Flynn shook his head in disappointment, but there was a hint of interest in his eyes as he read further "oh look... Irontide... and of course Harlan Sweete" he muttered absently. Looking up from the papers, he discovered that (y/n) was standing with a smile; tolerating his mumbling all this long.
"Ah didn't mean to mumble and look like a stupid person there" Flynn smiled, embarrassed
"No no, it's no bother... I liked hearing your voice... I mean, your words, they were funny" (y/n) chuckled, her cheeks appearing pink
"Of course..." Flynn smiled gently, that was a simple word from the woman but the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to him.

"what I meant to say is that we need to visit some old 'friends' of mine, as that's the only relevant information in this sad load of words they so fancily named 'documents'" Flynn laughed, looking at the druid "I'll meet you there, at this 'friend's' place" he sweetly smiled at her. The druid was lost in his eyes, whatever he said had absolutely missed her, she startled out from her musings and quickly nodded "sure! I will meet you there" she quickly said and left the building. Cursing herself internally of her awkwardness.

This place reeked with the smell of ale and sweat, Flynn wrinkled his nose "oh god, I was a damn pirate myself and I find this place stinking" he muttered in disbelief
"It's alright... we won't be here for long" (y/n) replied, hopeful
"I'm half a mind to agree with you lady optimism... but knowing this Harlan 'Sweat'!, I wouldn't rely on hope too much" Flynn shook his head
"What... do you mean—" she was interrupted when Flynn signed her to stay quiet
"I hear something" he whispered, pulling her away behind a wooden wall while his eyes looked for the source of the noise.
But hiding didn't help as the pirate Harlan had already seen them, and didn't bother to delay. The pirate attacked them straight up.
"Dammit! Take cover..." Flynn looked to find that the woman was missing from his side, instead she was busy attacking Harlan.
The rogue sighed and engaged the battle in melee, hoping that nothing goes wrong.

"ack! I think I got stabbed!..." Flynn held his arm and fell to his knees. By now Harlan was defeated but it seemed like he had managed to injure his former pirate. The druid gasped and rushed to his help
"Let me take a look at the wound!" she said urgently, looking at the arm that he held
"It's so bad, that it's gone numb!" Flynn bared his teeth in pain and mustered enough courage to remove his palm and take a look at this wound.
"Oh never mind... my cutlass's hilt just hit me there, no wound heh" Flynn laughed and stood up, (y/n) was worried and feared the worst but it just turned out to be one of his mistakes again.
"But you—"
"There's the treasure chest we're looking for! Come on, let's get it before anyone else does" Flynn ran towards the chest, the druid sighed in disappointment and followed.

"Now to jump off a cliff" he said that rather happily as he picked up the wooden chest
"Eh?" she looked at him confused
"Nah don't worry, we aren't gonna die from that fall" Flynn looked at the end of the cliff they were standing, the fall would kill anyone.
"Just trust me okay? Jump" he assured her.
The druid took a deep breath and jumped off from the cliff.
As fear began to nestle in her heart, the cold wind began to freeze her eyes, a familiar gryphon had caught her.
"You alright there (y/n)?"
"Taelia! But... where is—"
"I'm hanging here!" Flynn's screams drowned out everything Taelia was saying. The druid was laughing to herself as she saw the rogue hanging by the gryphon's tail while hugging the treasure chest.
"Stop... moving so much!" Flynn shouted at the bird but soon his grip was lost from the gryphon's tail. Both Taelia and the druid was shocked to see that, but luckily (y/n) was quick to action.
"Go ahead, I'll follow you!" (Y/n) said to Taelia before jumping off from the gryphon.

As the wind contacted with her form, the soft skin around her arms began to change into feathers, soon her entire body had changed to match a giant bird's. The druid caught Flynn on her back, flying past all the bombs that were being thrown, before she gracefully flew past them and safely followed Taelia back to the city.
"if not for the weight, you wouldn't have fallen off the gryphon" Taelia angrily said, landing at the docks.
"Yeah if you knew how to properly fly that wonderbird then none of this would've happened" Flynn replied, irritated "if not for her, this would've been an awful day" he thankfully smiled at (y/n).
"I just helped a friend in need, that's all" the druid shyly laughed
"Ah... just friends then? my poor heart" Flynn looked a bit hurt from her words
"Is not sure what you meant there!" she giggled nervously, feeling her face flush with red
"But are you sure? That you don't know?" Flynn smiled rather slyly, slightly winking at her. (Y/n) only returned a nervous smile, for she didn't know if he was just being sarcastic...

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