(Wrathion x Reader x Anduin) Possessive Part 2

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They felt like they could be lost in each other's eyes for hours on end if not for the very sudden arrival of Wrathion.
"Firstly, who are you? And how did you know that (y/n) would be here?" Anduin asked in surprise
"A black dragonflight dragon and (Y/n) is a dear friend of mine" though it was clear that he didn't mean to call her just a 'friend' "and fortunately she happens to be a cartographer too, but doesn't know how to heed warnings" Wrathion replied, standing beside (y/n), still glaring at Anduin
"Well, I don't mean to offend but it does appear that you are more of a danger to her than anything" the prince replied bluntly.
"What is it that you mean?!" Wrathion gritted his teeth
"I hope that you are aware that the black dragonflight are a little awry in the head..." Anduin cleared his throat.
Wrathion clenched his fist but (y/n) turned her gaze to him and held his hand "enough!" she said to both of them "Wrathion I cannot believe that you followed me all the way from Ravenholdt, and now you are fighting with someone who can actually help us navigate the misty lands" she sighed "I'm surprised that your trust in me is this weak" (y/n) said.
Wrathion gasped in disbelief "I'm simply trying to protect you from a cruel world, I know how it feels to be abandoned... the same way you were abandoned and would've perished if not for my guidance" he tried to explain
"But I know how to protect myself from harm as well, you don't need to lock me up or follow me around like this" she sighed
"(Y/n)..." Wrathion held her wrist and tightened his grip around it while coldly glaring at her.
Anduin frowned and stepped towards (y/n), glaring at the crimson eyed man "let her go" he demanded.
Wrathion chuckled "what are you going to do if I don't? Cry?" he taunted
"Last warning, Let. Her. Go" Anduin was persistent
"Anduin, no..." (y/n) looked at him with fear, the last thing that she wanted was for them to fight over her.
Wrathion glanced at (y/n) but only made his grip on her wrist stronger, she winced back in pain.
The prince Anduin glared at him and casted a spell that pushed Wrathion back from her. Causing him to land on a few bookcases, he cursed under his breath and slowly stood up.
"Are you alright?" Anduin looked at (y/n)'s wrist that become red from the pressure
"I'm alright, but why did..."
"Bad idea princeling!" Wrathion unsheathed his sword and charged at Anduin. (Y/n) tried to interfere but the blonde haired prince already attacked with a holy spell that caused Wrathion's blade holding hand burn. Resulting in him to drop the blade from his grip.
"Your courage is commendable" Wrathion chuckled "too bad that I have important things to do, or else I would like to see how you would protect your burning castle" he proceeded to hurl a rather powerful spell of fire towards Anduin.
(Y/n) not standing back anymore, interfered quickly. Casting a powerful shield around her and Anduin.
"For how long do you intend to protect your new friend here? That shield isn't going to stand for very long" Wrathion laughed and proceeded to channel more spells intending to dispel the shield.
Anduin frowned and attempted to cast a spell of his own, but was stopped by (y/n)
"No! Don't cast anything, it will interrupt my spell" she quickly said
"You are going to be exhausted if you keep casting this spell to protect both of us, I'll step aside, it will make the spell easier" Anduin said
"I casted this shield for you Anduin! If you move from here, I swear to gods!" she angrily stated and looked at Wrathion who still tried to break her shield.
"Looks I need to solve this problem on my own!" she took a deep breath and prepared herself to take a crucial decision...

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