(Malfurion) Unrequited Love

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The honored teacher, they would call him Shan'do. The first and most powerful of druids with the grand antlers protruding from his head, the virescent tresses of his that gracefully swung by his merciful and calm face signified of his weighty title. There was an aura of authority about him and yet his gaze was calming and forgiving. But she knew him long before he was this powerful, she knew him when he was just a young druid with big dreams and only one wish to care for the nature. Even when he was but a young night elf he tried to appear calm, collected and like the self he was now. Always putting everyone else before him. And this selfless, caring nature about him had attracted a young warrior's attention towards him.

It was just admiring gazes at first, she would do so secretly. When the young Malfurion would practice in an attempt to perfect his Druidic magic in groves or by glittering lakes, she would hide behind the gigantic trees of the forests and watch him admiringly. Whenever the young druid failed at his magic multiple times, and become disheartened, she would feel the same. Malfurion would stare at the still waters, trying to understand his errors while (y/n) would hope and pray in whispers that he succeed at his next attempt. Which surprisingly he always did. The happiness that made his silvery eyes glisten and bring a heartwarming smile on his lips was always something that she could never forget, something she would treasure in her heart till eternity's end.

And what was most precious about this was when the young druid would return to the city and tell (y/n) that how he had learned a new spell. As if narrating a heroic story where he had slew a terrible and mighty beast. The young warrior would already know of this but still she couldn't help but appear surprised, they would share a laugh afterwards and sometimes would talk about being a warrior or druid for hours. They were dear friends, so much so that the young warrior began to foster deep, affectionate feelings in her heart for him. (Y/n) knew that there was another woman who shared these same feelings for him, she guessed that Malfurion must've returned those loving feelings too. It was something that (y/n) couldn't change, but in these times of war anything could happen and she didn't want any of them to perish without knowing what she felt for him.

So (y/n) steeled her heart and was determined to confess her affections to Malfurion. Even if he doesn't return them, she wouldn't have any regrets should either of them fall. At least she was able to tell the truth.
The young warrior traveled to where the young druid practiced his druidic powers, finding it empty except for the animals that roamed there. The elven woman waited anxiously by the lake, rehearsing the words in her head before dismissing them altogether as they didn't appear perfect enough.
"Come on coward, you can do this!" she murmured angrily "you've slain great enemies and you're scared of your own friend?! I'm so disappointed in myself that—" she was interrupted when she heard a shuffling in the nearby bushes. Unsheathing her blade she cautiously approached the source of that noise. Another shuffle, (y/n) frowned and prepared to strike should it be a threat. However the woman was startled when a buck hopped out from the bushes, its antlers slightly scratching on the edge of the woman's blade.
Seeing the cautious posture of her, the animal slowly walked towards her and nudged at her blade gripping hand with its snout.

The young warrior eased her form and sheathed the blade, gently patting the deer's head. There was something wrong with the deer when it walked towards her, she noticed that its hoof was injured.
"How did you hurt yourself? You poor thing..." she muttered and smiled gently when it appeared to nod, as if it understood what she was saying. The elven woman brought the deer close to the lake and ripped a part from her cloak, dipping it into the crystal clear water and gently wrapping it around the deer's injured hoof. The deer tried to avoid the makeshift bandage at first but when the soothing water touch its injuries, it allowed the woman to tie the piece of cloth.
As the pain began to lessen, the deer rested its head on the (y/n)'s lap. She sighed and gently brushed the deer's fur, assuming that it must've fallen asleep.
"I don't know what is taking Malfurion so long, is he not going to arrive today?" (Y/n) muttered quietly, almost deciding in her mind to give up and leave, but thinking about that terrible fate that might befall them, she stopped "I should wait for a few more minutes, I cannot just leave like this" she turned her gaze to the sleeping deer before looking back at the glistening waters of the lake.
"I can practice once more, maybe this time I wouldn't sound stupid" (y/n) chuckled and took a deep breath, closing her eyes and imagining as if her dear friend was standing before her.
"My dearest Malfurion, I'm aware that we have been friends for a long time now and I consider myself the luckiest to be so" she felt a smile curl up her lips "but the truth is that I began to feel warmth and tranquility in your presence, I'm no poet so I cannot make this sound more beautiful... but I have fallen in love with you, but it is entirely your own heart's decision to return them, I'm just content in saying that I loved you before a dark fate befell us" (y/n) sighed, smiling contently as if a great burden had been lifted from her heart. Then she opened her eyes to find that ever so familiar, caring, silvery gaze looking at her with surprise.

The elven woman gasped when she found the druid sitting in front of her, her calm gaze changed to a worried one as she glanced around, looking for the deer.
"Is it the truth?" Malfurion asked, still surprised
"I never meant them to offend you! I thought no one was here but that deer" she answered quickly and nervously
"The one whom you cared for?" The druid smiled gently, showing his wrist that had the piece of cloth that was ripped from her cloak
"It was... it was you?" she asked staring at his wrist, slowly lowering her gaze towards the ground "I truly didn't know, it was so foolish of me... forgive me Mal, I'm just going to leave..." she sighed.
The young druid didn't avert his gaze from her however, he gently pulled her chin up, turning her gaze back towards him. They slowly looked into each other's eyes, losing themselves in a strange enchanting moment, completely forgetting about the world around them
"Your words never hurt me (y/n)" he started "I can never be more fortunate to have you by my side, you listened to what I had to say and cared about my inferior achievements when none other did... you praised and encouraged me for casting a simple spell which should have been a laughable matter by most... I consider myself both blessed and cursed" Malfurion sighed, gently brushing away the strands of hair from the woman's face
"I'm blessed as someone so caring and loving had affections for someone like me" he smiled "but I'm cursed as I cannot return them... for..."
"You don't need to continue... my dearest" (y/n) smiled, blinking her eyes as tears slid down her cheeks "I'm content that you knew my affections for you... I can never ask for more" she muttered, slowly enclosing her arms around him and burying her face in his shoulders. The druid couldn't stay still, he returned the embrace, unwilling to let her go. It all seemed like a bittersweet goodbye...

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