(Darius Crowley) Our Curse

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Requested by: W33pLittleLionMan
"These are the only survivors?"
"Yes sir"
"...bitten? All of them?"
"Yes, we were too late"
Darius watched the little crowd of survivors, his fangs bared slightly as he looked at the crowd with a frown. The Wolfish Lord looked at the soldiers who bought the survivors "alright, go and check if anyone else needs your assistance. Dismissed" the soldiers bowed their heads before going about their ways.
Most of the survivors were walking around the camp, helping however they can or just standing in a shock about the worgen attack. Coping to the situation in their own methods, however, there was one woman who didn't move from her place. The woman was shaking and muttered something under her breath, though most of her words were gibberish or inaudible, but the words "God" or "Light" could be heard from her. Interesting. The lord Crowley thought, deciding rather quickly to approach her.
As he neared the woman, she began to tremble in fear. Lifting her arms over her head in an attempt to protect herself. "W-Worgen..." she whimpered. Darius saw the bloodstained bandage covering most of her left arm, it was no secret on why she was afraid of them. Darius returned to his human form, though it was a challenge to stay that way as rage and anger was the only emotions he could feel now.

"What's your name?" he asked as gently as he could
"I'm... (y/n)... a priest from the cathedral" she stuttered
"It was attacked, wasn't it?" Darius asked, not that he didn't know about it already
The priest's face paled with fear before she nodded "I was alone in the cathedral... praying to the Light for solace" her eyes widened as the memories of the terrifying event ran through her mind again "and then... I heard the glass break, the giant wolves biting into my arm" she breathed heavily, before becoming silent.
(Y/n) looked up "the next thing I remember is being awakened by your soldiers..." she finished her words.
The lord Crowley sighed "you do realize that you are now one of them? The worgen?" he asked
"I haven't experienced a transformation yet... at l-least not to my knowledge" she blinked a couple of times "I pray to the Light that I don't have to... who knows the atrocities that will be committed by me" she muttered something in the same inaudible manner again.
Darius looked at the woman's injured arm "it was bitten recently?" it was more of a statement than a question. To his answer, she nodded. The lord Crowley held her left palm, she began to shiver when she anticipated him to rip off her bandages.
"Our curse is as undeniable as this wound" he started "you can see your wound can't you?"
(Y/n) looked at him, terrified
"If I touch it" Darius kept his hand on her wounded arm and lightly pressed it. The priest felt as if a burning blade was seared through her flesh, she winced back in pain and released her arm from the light grip of Darius.
"You feel the pain... it exists and is undeniable. Isn't it?" The lord Crowley stated
"I refuse to believe that" she looked away from him "the Light has not abandoned us, we will be redeemed and cured if we trust in it" she was adamant.

It appeared that she was absolutely unaffected by the fact that she was bitten, refusing to believe that she was a worgen. But in her eyes, Darius could see the war she fought against herself, ignoring all her rage and anger in the sake of this denial. But for how long? Darius wondered. To her words' response, the lord Crowley only laughed
"They are all the same" he muttered "you cannot deny who you are now, priest... know this that the Light has abandoned you and all of Gilneas" he paused "as bitter as it may sound, but this is the truth... this is who we are now" Darius looked at her with pity
"It'd be better if you realize this quickly" he turned around and left (y/n) to ponder.

It was quite tense and worrying to lord Darius as the days had passed. The lord's daughter, Lorna was yet to return from a search she had went on. Anticipating the worst, Darius had begun to gather all of his soldiers and capable worgen from the survivors. In the back of his mind, he was worried that while his absence, the Forsaken or the Bloodfang Pack would attempt an assault. If (y/n) would stay here, she would be killed if she still refused her curse. For a moment, Darius wondered if he would warn her of this and ask her to accompany him. He had almost asked a soldier to call for her. But he had known that she was far from accepting her curse, she would happily accept death instead.
However all of his thoughts had disappeared when he saw a female worgen walking towards him and standing in front of him. Darius smiled unintentionally when he saw the bandages weakly hanging from her left arm "(y/n)?..." he was surprised
"You were right, it is a curse we all share... it's our weakness and strength" she said, her voice slightly hoarse "and it is as existing as pain" she smiled....

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