(Illidan) Serenity

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Requested by: Aɳɳҽʂყα
The moon's light showered down on the grassy plains of Ashenvale. Touching the rain washed grasses, causing them to glisten and glow in the dim light of the evening. Far up a hill sat a couple, watching this beautiful scene of the full moon. The sky was washed with an array of colors. Somewhere it was becoming midnight blue, somewhere in middle it was purple and somewhere far it was red from the departing sunlight. But all they had in common was the array of stars that glistened in the sky like fireflies hovering above a tranquil lake in summer.
Illidan felt like he could be here forever, hypnotized by the beauty of the forests, the skies, his amber eyes watched the stars, his mind looking for peace in them. A lonely star began to glimmer brightly, Illidan gasped slightly and watched as the star traveled with great speed across the sky. Though he was no little boy who would make a wish to a shooting star, but in times like this, even a glimmer of hope could prove invaluable to him. So he did, wishing a peaceful future for the kaldorei and an end to this war with the Legion. Unknown that the war with demons would change his life one day.
Illidan's mind was lost in thinking about the conflict with the demons, he didn't even notice that his eyes fluttered occasionally as he was drifting into sleep.
"Don't move your head for once"
"I'm not"
Illidan chuckled when (y/n) struggled to fiddle with his tresses. "What are you even doing with my hair? It's been hours since I'm sitting here" he tried to turn his head towards her but was stopped by a gentle slap on his cheek
"I said don't move your head!" she shouted "and no it hasn't been hours, just thirty five minutes you impatient elf" she muttered
"Is that a nightbloom... Are those flowers you are putting in my hair?!" Illidan was taken aback when he noticed small braids hanging beside his face, adorned with flowers.
"I am, it looks pretty" she muttered smiling "now don't spoil my hard work and let me put them all... you have rather silky hair, almost like a princess" she said laughing.
It was a little unexpected to hear the compliments 'princess' and 'pretty' on him but it was humorous nonetheless. The sorcerer waited for (y/n) to leave his strands of hair to pick up another flower, when she did, Illidan turned around and stood up on his knees, casting a simple spell that had undone all the braids and crowns of flowers that were done on his hair by her. (Y/n) sat there, surprised as her mouth flung open, the flowers scattered around Illidan, she glanced around at the flowers and then at him.
"What did—" she was startled as she closed her eyes when a blinding light appeared out of the blue.
When she opened them, she found her hair adorned in those flowers. Illidan brushed off invisible dust from his hands and smugly smiled at her
"flowers suit an actual princess more" he said, proud in his spells
"No no, you're mistaken, you are the princess" she chuckled, casually tossing a flower at him
"No no, you're mistaken..." Illidan mocked her words and laughed. The woman lightly hit him on his chest when he mocked her
"Got your hand" Illidan giggled and caught her hand that intended to strike at him. (Y/n) slightly frowned and attempted to hit him with her other hand
"Got this too" he smirked playfully, looking as both her hands were entangled with his. (Y/n) sighed and attempted to release her hands from his, but instead, she was pulled towards him.
The female elf quickly balanced herself from falling back at the tree stump with Illidan. (Y/n) looked at Illidan, slightly annoyed
"Why was that needed" she soon blushed and looked away when she saw his toothy mischievous grin
"Don't tell me that you expected that" Illidan muttered quietly
"I did" she replied rather seriously, breaking into laughter when she saw the confusion on his face "Look at you! I didn't, you're so adorable Illidan" she soon replied.
Illidan watched her laughter for a moment, so pure and untainted, he thought, wishing that he could live in this moment forever. Or at least engrave it deep within his mind like a beautiful treasure. The sorcerer brushed aside her hair, he won't ever forget how innocently she looked at him. Before he gently kissed her forehead. (Y/n) was a bit surprised by the gesture, but she appreciated it deeply, it was beautiful like a dream.
(Y/n) let a smile appear on her lips as her eyes closed to feel this enchanting moment engulf them both. It was so serene... like the calm before a storm...

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