(Liam Greymane) The Wolf Prince

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Requested by: Moon-Tea221 and thanks to QueenAlexstrasza for helping me understand this character's lore, you are the best!.
Art is from deviantart by Angju
It all began with a few glances, then slowly a shared smile. And then they didn't even realize when they were in love, meeting each other secretly in moonlit evenings.
At first, (y/n) didn't quite care about relationships. It wasn't her first plan as an aspiring adventurer, she had left Gilneas long ago and only returned since she missed her home. Sure, the prince Greymane and her were friends since they were children but after she became busy with shaping her future, she got to see less and less of him. And Liam being an heir to the throne, became busy with his responsibilities to the throne as well.
Gilneas had changed quite a bit in such a small amount of time. The atmosphere was somber, and definitely revealed that the city had seen far better days. (Y/n) looked outside the inn's window, citizens were mostly inside their homes these days, for the fear of the vicious beasts known as the "worgen". Though very few to none of the worgens has attacked the city yet, their uprising outside the city gates foretell of a dangerous siege that would break the unbreakable walls and pour into the city. Even imagining the harm they could do to the citizens of Gilneas, sent a shiver down (y/n)'s spine. (Y/n) pushed that thought aside, she couldn't really tell the time of the day as it was cloudy outside but she was sure that quite a bit of time had passed since she was in this inn. The woman got up and payed the innkeeper before she exited the building, she was glad that it wasn't raining anymore, ever since she arrived here, all she saw was rain. Day after day.
The prince Liam had called her in a nearby area outside the city, but she was already pretty late for this meeting. (Y/n) realizing this, she quickened her pace and reached the said place of meeting. The prince was already standing by a nearby stream, tossing rocks in the tranquil water.
"I'm so sorry for the delay, Prince Liam..." she said, trying to catch her breath from running all the way to here
"Prince? How did we become so formal within a day?" Liam laughed at her words
"I apologize, a slip of tongue... referring to your title around the castle is growing habitual" she chuckled, it's true, since she arrived, the prince Greymane was the first to know of her arrival and took her to a trip to his castle, and to meet the king and queen. It was nostalgic to see the castle again, and hearing the tales of their childhood.
"So any specific reason for the meeting or...?" She said as she stood by the prince
"As if I need an excuse to meet a pretty lady" Liam flirtatiously said
"Would you stop complimenting me every minute of the day?" (Y/n) embarrassingly laughed "since I arrived, it's all I'm hearing from you... where did the rude comments go?" (Y/n) jests
The prince smirked and raised an eyebrow, uncomfortably getting close to her "do you want me to act bad then?" he whispered
"Maybe a little..." she giggled
Liam chuckled, a rather seductive tone in his voice before he gently pulled her to him to steal a kiss from her.
(Y/n) was mesmerized for a moment, putting her arms around him before she laughed and pulled back "alright alright, I get it..." she looked at him "now let's be serious for a moment, there must be a reason for you to call me here rather than just romancing" she said sarcastically
"Were it a different time, I would precisely call you here for the sake of romance but..." the happiness on his face dimmed "There is most certainly a problem that our scouts have found out" Liam pointed towards the far hills
"The city isn't going to be safe for long, if we are lucky then the city has peace for tonight before it is overrun by..." Liam didn't continue, fear was visible in his eyes
"Overrun by what?!" (Y/n) asked, afraid like the prince
"The worgen... our worst fear" Liam replied
"What are we going to do? Does anyone have a plan for the citizens and their safety?" (Y/n) asked
"As unfortunate it is, we cannot save everyone nor do we have the time to evacuate the entire city... I'm confused... and afraid... this is just..." Liam took a deep breath, he was frustrated by all of this, (y/n) held his hand and looked into his eyes "it'll be alright, I trust whatever decision that you have to take... I'm with you" she smiled comfortingly.
Liam smiled back to her "I find hope when I look into your eyes... I don't know what I would do without you..." he lightly brushed her cheek.

They can be lost into each other's eyes for eternity's end, if not for the bell that sounded from the city.
Both of them turned their heads to look at the city "something is wrong" she muttered
"We need to go back, come on" Liam said and headed towards his horse. Picking up (y/n) on the horse before he raced it towards Gilneas.
Entering the city, they saw that the citizens were racing into their homes and guards were alerting the remaining citizens to go inside their houses.
"What's happening here?!" Liam asked one guard
"The worgen have breached the walls, they are outnumbering us with every passing moment" the guard replied before going back to his work
"By the..." Liam cursed to himself as he got down from the horse and helped her to get down as well. The prince looked at (y/n) "we have to go on our way from here, don't worry, I will meet you at the cathedral" he reassuringly said but even he wasn't sure if he would see her again
"We will meet Liam! Don't you leave me like this!" She shouted, lightly punching his chest, grief and fear apparent in her eyes
"It's not the time for grieving (y/n)!" Prince Liam clutched her shoulders, trying to hide his own grief through anger "I will meet you, don't linger here, go somewhere safe..." he was interrupted when (y/n) pulled him to a kiss longingly, as if she would never meet him again
"I'll be at the cathedral" she said, the prince smiled at her before they parted ways.

After what seemed like a brush with death, countless chases from the assaulting worgen, and combating them, (y/n) finally reached the Cathedral. There was no one here but the priest, even he warned that this cathedral was no longer safe.
The prince Greymane showed up not too long after (y/n), she was overjoyed to see him but their happiness was short lived when the glasses of the great windows were shattered by a trio of worgen and more of them pouring through the main gate of the cathedral.
They were surrounded, but they didn't stop fighting. One of the worgens leapt towards (y/n) and to save her, Liam pushed her aside, getting bitten the worgen.
"Liam! No!" She shouted but it was too late, all she saw was the prince she once knew become one of the reckless and mindless worgen in front of her eyes....

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