(Bwonsamdi) A Brush With Death

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Requested by: Finfychan
There was something in the air today, something ominous about it. Though the young adventurer didn't believe in any such superstitions, judging by the dark atmosphere of Nazmir even the most sceptic of all would agree to this land being ominous. The most annoying part of it all was that the land was added into the maps only recently, so much to discover and see. It would excite (y/n) of course but if not for the dangers that arrive every few moments, even the simplest enemies' strength would even put the strongest of Broken Isles to shame. And not even the best of armors or the most sharpest of blade would protect anyone properly. Magic? Well one has to resort to hiding in bushes like assassins and pray that their spells and minions kill such powerful enemies before they could get to the spell caster.
In short, Nazmir sings a siren song to lure one with her beauty and tests those who were gullible enough to be lured by her song.

And in one of those adventures through Nazmir, (y/n) too was captivated by the dark beauty of this land. Who knows how many treasures this place might hold? She couldn't wait to get to them. But as (y/n) interrogated and learned more about the land, she was rather...discouraged. There was of course, the strange feeling of being watched whenever she was alone and then the locals talking about a certain "entity".
"I hope you have done only good deeds in your life, paladin... the 'loa' will feast on your soul if you die here" one of the blood elf mage in (y/n)'s group laughed
"It's just the locals discouraging adventurers, don't be afraid" the Nightborne warrior glared at the mage
"I don't know, there is this strange... are we even in the right path? Or are we lost?" (Y/n) looked at the trees that looked very familiar, as if they were roaming in circles around this swampland
"Hmm... let me see..." the mage was about to unfurl his scrolled map but everyone was startled by a loud roar not too far away. Before anyone could even say anything, a massive raptor with fearsome red eyes arrived from the bushes, growling at the adventurers.
"Mage... can you freeze that raptor?!" (Y/n) turned around to find both of them had ran away as soon the beast arrived from the shadows "cowards!" She cursed and summoned a shield with divine strength to protect her, the raptor hissed and chased her.
With the shield easily covering her, the raptor couldn't even lay a claw on her. (Y/n) smiled to herself when she had quickly climbed up a small hill, unreachable by the raptor.
Or so she thought. The raptor growled and attempted another assault on her, this time in the most unfortunate of events, the shield disappeared as soon as the strong attack had landed on her.
It was only dark as night afterwards.

"Ey! You betta not be plannin to stay here foreva!" (Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open when she heard that voice, finding a rather intimidating masked troll looking at her, their eyes locked into each other momentarily before she looked away, was it fear? Or something else? She couldn't tell.
"Where... am I?" (Y/n) muttered, sitting up on the cold floor. Now she noticed that the entire place was rather cold and decorated strangely with bones.
"Oh de poor lost lamb..." the masked troll looked at her with pity, smiling innocently as if trying to cheer her up "why, dis be da afterlife... Ol' Bwonsamdi be speaking true!" His smile grew sinister as he neared close to her ear, his cold breath causing her to shiver "dats right, you be pretty dead mon" he slowly chuckled before laughing loudly when he saw the sheer look of fear in (y/n)'s eyes.
Wiping a tear away from his eye he said "oi! Cheer up, ya be makin me feel bad for laughin alone" he proceeded to tilt the sides of (y/n)'s lips with his bony fingers as an effort to make her smile "not de one ta smile eh? Be dat way den" Bwonsamdi slouched his back on his throne, sighing.

"So they were speaking the truth... my soul would be consumed now, even after my eternal service to the light?" Her voice was shaking as she spoke the words
"Eternal service to de light, blah blah..." the troll yawned "ya light huggers must be very talkative ya kno? I felt so bored in dat few words of yer, ya kno how boring it be when dat be coming from an immortal loa eh?" Bwonsamdi grinned when her eyes widened upon hearing the word "loa". There was something so amusing about her being afraid of him, he thought.
"You are a... loa?" she asked in disbelief
"Yes! De mage not be lying... Now ya kno dat ya should be believing in de legends than ignoring dem!" he said angrily, the dim glow in his eyes becoming more brighter "but Ol' Bwonsamdi don't be liking ta scare a poor soul like dat" he gently said as he stood up from the throne and walked towards her
"Look at ye, so scared, so lost... so confused" he slowly walked around her, letting his eyes wander around her body. (Y/n) sighed uncomfortably, the troll chuckled at her discomfort before he gently traced her cheek with a bony finger "if I be sayin that der was a way ta get ya back on de living land..." Bwonsamdi turned her head to face him "but at a price?" the cheerful and mocking note in his voice had died down, now replaced by a much serious and intimidating tone
"And that price?" she asked, slightly frowning
"Eh half of yer soul's energy be mine..." he chuckled "but only for a short time!" He quickly added
"What is the catch here loa? Wouldn't I suffer from something else for taking your help?" (Y/n) raised a brow
"Ey, nobody be trustin me... dis be breakin my poor little heart to de hundred pieces" Bwonsamdi looked at the ground as he sounded like he was about break into tears from the weight of her words. But of course, everything about Bwonsamdi was just like him, a mystery, hidden behind a shroud of mockery.

"Lemme see..." the troll grabbed (y/n)'s face with a rather harsh force, and watched her closely. Before he let her go "nah except for feelin very weak for de a couple of hours, ya be fine" he replied
"Do you mean that I have nothing to worry about afterwards?" She asked
"No, hehe... unless yer divine shield breaks very unluckily again" he mocked "now, off wit ya, der still be time 'til I see yer pretty face again" Bwonsamdi gave a toothy grin, casting a spell on the woman that slowly caused her to disappear from the dead's plane.
At the very last moment of her disappearance, she felt the cold, bony touch of his hand on the back of her neck. Before she could even ask Bwonsamdi of this, she was taken by surprise when she felt a cold, rough sensation on her lips, realizing quickly that she was pulled into a kiss by the loa. Confused and startled, she just stood there, looking at his lidded eyes which opened slightly to wink at her.
The last she remembered was disappearing from the cold world with a rather smugly smiling Bwonsamdi, slowly waving and saying in a rather calm voice "ta ta". It was a smile she would never forget.
Waking up near the raptor which was dead in front of her body, now when she pondered on the events, it was truly a brush with death.....

(A/N): hey! I hope I was able to get the personality right, I pieced together whatever I could find from the cinematic, quests and the death quotes he has for the player spirit. I hope you enjoyed reading it!

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