(Rastakhan) King Atop The Pyramid

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Requested by: gamergirl0421
The once proud buildings of Stormwind was now surrounded by flames. The Horde emissary gazed at the burning buildings from the escaping ship, a cold breeze passed by her, her heart feared the worst while her mind prayed for the best. The entire mission was a daunting one, if not for the ultimate precision and discretion needed for the tasks, then the cold attitude of almost everyone here, bothered her. However the princess Talanji was a kind one since she met (y/n), she told her stories of the gold encrusted city of Zuldazar and the forests that surrounded it. If not for the sudden attack from the Alliance, they could continue their conversation for the entire journey.

After fending off the attack thanks to the princess's powerful spells, they soon docked near the city of gold. The emissary gazed with awe at the shine of the buildings and how it glimmered under the sunlight, the jewels and the utter glory it emanated.
"See? De city matches my story" The princess proudly said, standing beside (y/n)
"That and so much more! I cannot believe that I never knew such a glorious place even existed" she exclaimed.
"Now since you're de emissary, you need ta talk with my father... de king" Talanji said and summoned a reptilian bird like creature, something she called a "pterrordax".
"Alright, how difficult can it be" (y/n) muttered as she got on the bird like mount along with the princess Talanji.
Hearing (y/n), Talanji laughed loudly "a lot" she said "let me explain dis on our way there" she pulled the reins of the pterrordax as soon as (y/n) got on and they soon took to the skies.

On their way (y/n) got to know quite a bit about the king of Zandalar. All her eagerness had disappeared once she heard from Talanji. That the king was ancient, immortal and that his temper was something to fear, and of course his fondness of throwing people off his pyramid if he didn't like them.
Though the princess did mention that showing respect and talking less around him will not summon his anger, but (y/n) was still terrified to meet the king. With every passing minute in the back of her mind she just wished that they would never reach the top of the pyramid but seeing the golden pillars not too far away from them, she just took a deep breath and steeled her heart.

An ancient crown rested on his tense brows, covered in gold, precious jewels and feathers of perhaps a mighty beast. Armor plated in gold, carved with ancient markings surrounded the god-king's toned form, but not in a way that would really protect him should there be an attack, maybe he is even a proficient combatant. Arguing advisors and generals surrounded the king, indicating his importance in this land. Seeing his daughter accompanied by a stranger he was a bit confused, as he was about to utter something, the general interrupted him by speaking ill of the Horde.
Talanji however interjected, her words speaking on the Horde's favor and the praises of this emissary's might.
The king Rastakhan grew impatient of the chatter and arguing, punching the arm of his golden throne he stood up. The court was surprised and the emissary terrified.
"enough!" Rastakhan raised his hand "I'm no king for no reason, I will decide what ta do with dis... outsider" he said, setting his gaze on (y/n). The woman wasn't very attentive to what was going on in the court and thus was startled when her gaze met with the king, she gasped slightly and lowered her eyes as an act of respect.
The king Rastakhan walked towards her, not looking away from her for a single moment. The emissary noticed that she had begun trembling by now as the mighty king stood right beside her, his eyes still locked on her, she still refused to look up at him and mumbled under her breath that he doesn't push her off from the pyramid.
The king Rastakhan felt his lips curl into a smirk, seeing her so respectful towards him was admirable. So was her noteworthy fear of him, amusing. As someone who had saved the princess, the king expected the rescuer to be a little... headstrong.
"There is truth in Jakra'zet's words, dat you intend to take our ships to strengthen your Horde" the king uttered "but it is also true of how bravely you rescued my daughter" he glanced at (y/n), she was still nervously staring at the ground and fiddling around with her fingers, following the king as he walked.

At one point Rastakhan stopped at his pace at the end of the pyramid, (y/n) however didn't see this and kept on walking, too nervous to notice that the golden platform ended just a few steps ahead. The king slightly widened his eyes in surprise when he saw where the woman was going and quickly grabbed her small arm. Pulling her back towards him, the small form of hers resting against his muscular arm.
(Y/n) looked up, meeting his gaze before she quickly looked away "I'm d-deeply sorry f-for that king Rastakhan" she stuttered, feeling her body grow cold when she noticed Rastakhan's grip around her arm.
The king sighed and let her go, holding her chin gently and lifting her head to meet with his gaze "if you don't look at me, how would I know dat you're even listening?" Rastakhan smiled.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened with fear when she felt his touch on her chin, thinking that she was about to be thrown off from the pyramid for her clumsy errors. But then she felt her face become warm when (y/n) heard that, she nervously returned his smile and nodded "y-yes... your Highness" she muttered quietly.
The king Rastakhan widened his smile, absently tracing her jawline with his thumb "glad we had dat settled"

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