(Lor'themar Ending) Reminiscent

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His almost pale locks of hair slowly motioned in the light breeze. It was as calm as the coming of a storm. The Regent Lord looked at the unusually calm (y/n), but he knew that just like him, she was screaming inside, if not worse than him.
Lor'themar looked at (y/n) who almost looked happy, as if she is about to be reunited with her beloved prince again. The Regent Lord looked at his troops "enter the Keep and wait for us, we won't be long" they agreed and marched ahead. (Y/n) turned her gaze towards Lor'themar, confused. "Why aren't we following them?" she innocently asked.
The Regent Lord sighed and walked towards her "(y/n), hold yourself together" he held her shoulders and looked into her eyes "your anguish is clear behind that mask of happiness you have put on, there is doubt behind that confidence... believe in the truth while there is still time" Lor'themar requested, her denial made him feel broken
"I know you must be thinking that I'm going mad... but I'm not, this is my final attempt that I must take... for him" she smiled and encouragingly held his hands for a while. The Regent Lord only wanted to pull her into his embrace and never let her go. But he just smiled and nodded.
"I'll see you soon then" he said
"Sooner than you think" she grinned.
Lor'themar only saw her leave, one step, two steps and slowly she was so far away from him. The priest looked back and smiled before disappearing behind the portal.
All he hoped for her now was strength, the ability to face the truth. Lor'themar trusted her, he knew that she would have more than just a little courage to accept the truth and raise victorious over her doubts and grief.

There was no bounds to her sorrow, she wept bitterly by her only love. Who had dismissed of ever having feelings for her to begin with. The priest knew that Kael was lying, he did so just so it would be easier for (y/n) to forget him. But it wasn't, she was as broken as she would be if Kael'thas would say that he loved her for the final time. "Liar..." she sobbed "you selfish... how could you leave me like this? Alone to face a cruel world?!" she suddenly found a folded piece of paper clutched in the prince's hand, she opened it and read it. The first words only increased her grief, but the final ones? She knew that she had to be strong and protect her people, without ever being distracted or misguided. The priest looked at Kael, she touched his cold face and leaned towards him. "I shall love you... forever" she muttered and gently kissed him. Before she stood up and left her dark past behind.

Minutes turned into hours, soon the Regent Lord's troops were outside of the Keep, victorious. Only, (y/n) was yet to show up. Lor'themar didn't grow impatient, should it take her more than a few more hours, he would go inside and find her.
As the elf's patience was being tested, the priest emerged from the portal. Looking at the ground, her arms around her as if to protect herself from the cold.
Lor'themar ran towards her, she saw the Regent Lord and quickly wiped her eyes. Smiling brightly. "See? I'm alright" she chuckled.
"You were crying..." he muttered, looking at her with concern
"I sometimes cry when I'm starving, I'm still such a baby!" (Y/n) laughed and wrapped her arms around Lor'themar's arm "Let's get something to eat first" she said.
Lor'themar stared at her for a few moments, the priest giggled "what?" she smiled. Not even thinking a few more moments, Lor'themar held the back of her head and locked his lips with her. The kiss was gentle at first before it became longing and passionate. As if she was the answer he was looking for in this forsaken world. And he had found her.
After quite a while, Lor'themar pulled back from the kiss and looked at her. (Y/n) was smiling "you taste like strawberries, let's get some real food before I devour you" she laughed loudly at the last words. Lor'themar laughed with her and embraced her, she giggled and wrapped her arms around him. Maybe it didn't have to be so sorrowful after all....

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