(Anduin) Hopes In Embers

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Being surrounded by molten lava and fel energies didn't really make this place any warmer. If one were to bet, the Broken Shore was perhaps a warmer place before being invaded by the Legion. The land burnt under the fel fire but left no warmth behind.
It was either the cruel magic, or the presence of the unjustly killed souls that made this place so cold. Along with those souls, a great hero had fallen as well. Possibly the greatest king that Stormwind ever had. His son, Anduin, refused to leave the ground where his father had fallen. Weeping quietly, sometimes lifting his head to see if anyone had waited for him so that he can ask them to leave. The prince hated to be a bother, even in these times.
However, there was one night elf who had refused to leave his side. As a druid, she was compassionate and kind. But sometimes she was too kind for her own good. Anduin had already told her multiple times to leave and return to a safer area but she refused, saying that she was here for him if nobody else was. Staying around him had helped him to speak more, helping his grief to lessen a bit. (Y/n) sat beside him as he hid his eyes behind his blonde locks, weeping. They both were shivering from the cold, but none had the will to leave.
"All my life, I had thought that my father was overprotective of me... I never took a single moment out of those years to realize how dearly he had held me to his heart... and now..." he couldn't continue his words, feeling the crushing weight of guilt and sorrow on his heart again.
(Y/n) kept her hand on his shoulder "it was never your fault, my prince... you were young yourself, a simple change of words or actions wouldn't have prevented such a fate... everyone has to leave after their time has passed" she said gently
"But if I would've listened what he had to say, if for once had I cared... would things be different?" he looked at her "perhaps it would've... I should've followed him here and fought by his side" he looked at the dust covered blade.
"Prince Anduin, you cannot break like this" (y/n) held both of his shoulders and sort of forced him to look at her "the greatest regret that your father will have, is to see you break like this and give up" Anduin stared at her with a frown as she talked, trying to look at the situation from her perspective "if you don't accept the reality until it is believable, you won't be able to accept it when it's unbelievable" she replied before picking up the blade
"The fate of this world now rests on this blade, would you wield it and forge a better future for our world? Or would you let it burn?" the icy note in her voice sang truth, it wasn't pleasant to hear but truth seldom is.
"I will not allow such a beautiful world to burn!" Anduin almost shouted
"Then you know what is to be done" (y/n) placed the sword on his hands "I'm with you, until the end" She bowed her head in front of the future king.
Thus renewing the lost hopes, restoring bravery in a broken heart and guiding a lost prince. (Y/n) had stood by the prince Anduin fighting alongside him until the demons of Legion were defeated.

Everything was peaceful for many months, though many were worried of the wound in Silithus, they were too busy rebuilding their homes and cities from the recent attacks. Until that very same wound began to draw attention. Slowly a new source of power was discovered and the cycle of war continued.
But the devastating truth was yet to be reality. One such day, the prince, now king, Anduin walked around his throne room. Thinking of something since quite a while, feeling stressed and confused for a bit. Until he heard footsteps, looking around he saw (y/n) walking towards him with her usual happy expression. "Is there something wrong? Did I scare you?" she asked, concerned
"No not at all, I was worried about the current events and news that are arriving from Darkshore" he paused when he realized that he shouldn't be discussing such matters to a dear friend who had arrived after days to meet him.
"Yes, the Darkshore has never been the same again..." her eyes grew gloomy "I've heard about the Horde planning to assault Darkshore and worse..." she wanted to continue but Anduin held her hand, looking at her intently
"Don't, we will have Darkshore back and with all of her citizens safe" he smiled comfortingly.
(Y/n) returned his smile "it's good to see you strong in these troubled times" she said
"As long as we stand as one to combat any foes, we are always strong... toget—" Anduin was interrupted when he saw his steward, Genn Greymane rush into the throne room
"My king, The world tree is gone! It's boughs are in flames and the citizens in danger, we must send help!" he shouted before opening the portal to the tree.
As the steward left with a group of soldiers to offer whatever help he can, Anduin and (y/n) stood stupefied by the news. They exchanged a look before she opened a portal to Teldrassil herself and rushed through it, without even speaking a word.
Anduin wanted to stop her, but seeing her leave in such a short amount of time, he couldn't even step towards her. He picked up his blade and hurried through the portal to find her.

As (y/n) stood by the beach, looking at the once proud Teldrassil that now burnt. It's great life giving boughs becoming consumed by the raging flames, the wisps that once roamed and guarded the tree were now gone, the songs of birds were now turned to distant screams for help. Tears welled up in her eyes, it was her entire life's memories that burned before her. Her childhood, her youth and her goodbyes. Being consumed by the flames of hatred.
No longer would she hear the beautiful Nightsong, sang by the priestesses of Elune. In just a single moment, thousands years' of memories were now ashes.
(Y/n) began to hum the Nightsong, it didn't sing of glory or the pride of the Kaldorei. But it sang only a lament.
Anduin had appeared to (y/n), looking at the burning ancient he muttered "Light's merciful gaze..." he felt pain and grief just by looking at the burning tree, he couldn't imagine what it would feel like to someone who has lived here for years.
"All of my life, burning before me..." (y/n) muttered "Such memories, I had become a druid because of the grace of Teldrassil... and now, it's all gone. I should've never left my home" she looked at the prince "it is all ridiculous... a cruel joke, it's all my fault" she wept.
Anduin sighed and kept his hand on her shoulder "it was never your fault (y/n)" he started "if you never would've left your home, you couldn't defeat these demons"
"At least I could fight for my home..." she muttered
Anduin held both of her shoulders, pulling her chin up to look at him "You cannot break like this, there is an entire war ahead of us... you are going to make them pay for the loss of such life" he comforted
"I don't know anything anymore..." she chuckled, there was no life in that laughter
"You were there for me when I was lost in Broken Shore, let me help you now (y/n), we will prevail" he said, smiling afterwards to cheer her up.
(y/n) sighed and embraced Anduin "you are my only hope... Anduin" she muttered as she hid her face in his chest, sobbing. The prince wrapped his arms around her, gently brushing her hair "as you were once mine, (y/n)" he replied.....

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