(Magni Bronzebeard) Adventurers

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Requested by: dahyunxox
It has been a rather uneventful day, the young adventurer (y/n) had been throwing the fishing reel in Dalaran since early noon. The city was floating in the sky so there wasn't any other place except the fountain. There rarely ever was fish in there, only strange trinkets and mostly coins could be found. The adventurer attempted to fish something out from the fountain again, only this time a shimmering coin was caught in the rod's bauble. Giving it a look for a while before she took it from the hook, there were carvings in the coin, it read;
"I hope my brother and father outlive me. I'll not make much of a king"
(Y/n) remembered that this coin belonged to Magni, they were friends for a long time but when she chose to be an adventurer rather than a historian in Ironforge, they couldn't afford to see each other that often and the next thing she remembered that years had passed, yet she didn't even hear from the would be king of Ironforge. The adventurer wondered how the dwarven king was, as she was the only one whom he had spoken about his fears. The fears of not becoming a good king for his people. With (y/n) gone, and none as close of a friend, she only hoped that Magni fared well.
Without thinking anymore, the young adventurer packed whatever she needed and prepared herself to leave. It would be great to visit an old friend again and to taste the legendary beer of Ironforge. Maybe that beverage was enough of an excuse to convince her to visit Ironforge. No matter where in the world she was.

The king looked as if a statue in the dark atmosphere of his throne room, his long auburn beard touching the foot of his throne. The way he kept his eyes closed appeared as if he was oblivious to his surroundings, but he was very aware, he could tell even if someone was staring at him from faraway. Though the term 'king' wouldn't be quite right yet, as he was merely acting as a leader to the dwarves of Ironforge. And even this appeared more than a tedious task that would chip away at his happiness and confidence, making him doubt if he was even leading the dwarves to the right path. Only if (y/n) was here, Magni sighed. The way she would jest and tell him to become an adventurer like her instead would always encourage him. She made life appear so easy and carefree, Magni even once joined the explorer's guild with her but his duties to the kingdom didn't allow him to continue his life as an adventurer. Sometimes Magni would be tempted to write a letter to (y/n) and ask her to visit Ironforge, so that they could laugh by the fireside and share a pint together. Goodness knows, he could definitely use a laughter, almost as if he was becoming a stone himself in this halls of stones.
For some reason, Magni's eyes went to the open area above a wall where the city's guards would often fly by with their griffins. Just like always an ivory griffin passed by, but it wasn't armored. How could they be so careless? Magni slightly squinted his eyes to look at the bird's rider, even the rider wasn't armored like a guard. When he realized who it actually was, he was stunned in surprise.
"Ey Magni! How are ya?!" she shouted happily "oh my bad, I mean, good tae see ya king Magni" she bowed.
"Oho cut that formal talk! Come 'ere!" Magni laughed happily and bear hugged (y/n) "so damn good tae see ya again!" he smiled "where were ya all this time? I thought ya went missing like Brann"
"Let me get a drink first! Let's get the legendary beer of Ironforge and talk by the fireside" she chuckled.
"Couldn't 'ave said any better, let's get goin then" Magni happily nodded. Finally able to share a laughter and drinks with an old friend.

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