(Taelia) Better Left Untold

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Art by SoloGi98 from deviantart
Taelia absentmindedly tapped her boots against the wooden floor while she quietly hummed the music of the inn. The dark locks of hers lay carelessly on her shoulders, while her grey eyes looked at the entrance occasionally. Hoping that she might see a traveler or the emissary walk in.
It was good to lay low after that freak escape from the prison and the scene in the docks earlier today. Only thing that bothered her was that the emissary was missing. Well of course he had far more important things to do here but she would beg to differ when he left with Flynn.
The woman couldn't even take a moment and talk with him before he was interrupted by a mission elsewhere.
Taelia even heard that he was from Stormwind and had traveled all across the Eastern Kingdoms. The "Eastern Kingdoms" name was enough to steal her attention and knowing that this traveler knew of it this well had caused her to become anxious and excited to converse with him. But look how occupied he is.
"These travelers and their busy to do lists" she sighed in disappointment, sipping from her drink and staring at the main doorway. Hoping that the emissary might show up soon.

And so was her wish granted, the Alliance emissary walks in looking angered. Flynn was accompanying him, both were talking with each other but because of the crowd and the loud music, Taelia couldn't hear a single word.
"Emissary!" she called and waved at him, smiling hopefully. The emissary smiled back and excused himself from Flynn before walking towards Taelia's table.
"I met you in the... erm... escape event didn't I?" he said smiling, taking a seat in front of Taelia
"Yes that would be me, Taelia by the way" she introduced herself, stretching her hand out to him. That name was unusually familiar to the emissary but he couldn't place his finger on where he heard it.

"(Y/n)" he shook her hand and smiled "the Alliance emissary... but I believe you knew that already" he laughed a bit.
"It was very brave of you actually, to accompany Jaina like that... both of you could've been killed given her crimes" Taelia started "and returning here without a single worry about being taken prisoner again"
"My job here was to accompany her, it didn't really need much bravery after what I have faced in my journeys before" he chuckled "and as for returning here, they wouldn't really remember a stupid follower's face now would they?" (Y/n) looked at Taelia, both laughed at the statement.
The dark haired woman had liked him since she met him in the escape but had to keep their conversation short. But she feared that as an important character that he was, would be unwilling to even talk with her once he reached to safety. But she was proven wrong by his humble and funny words.

(Y/n) cleared his throat "hello? Did you disappear Taelia?" he asked, waving his palm in front of her face.
Taelia was startled out of her musings as she nervously laughed
"Uh no..." she stuttered "I was j-just thinking something... why did you return so quickly from the docks? I thought you were going on a mission" Taelia regained her composure
"Oh that... I missed the ship, now the next one won't arrive before an hour or two" (y/n) shook his head in disbelief
"Aww that's too bad" Taelia might say that but she was actually thankful of him missing the ship, she got to hear stories from him now.
"So, I've heard that you are from Stormwind?" Taelia excitedly asked "and that you have traveled all around the Eastern Kingdoms?!" her eyes were sparkling with the happiness of a child.
"Yes how did you know?" (Y/n) was a bit surprised to see her knowing that
"I tend to snoop around a lot when a traveler arrives from the mainland" Taelia giggled "but I assure you it isn't that often" she added
"Right" (y/n) reluctantly agreed "but yes, I have... one time I walked straight into the blood elven lands by mistake" he laughed "I have never been so confused in my entire life". "Really?! Tell me more" Taelia almost shouted
"I'm so lucky that they didn't see me, and I was able to leave without any problems" he sighed "and not just the Eastern Kingdoms that I have traveled but I have even braved the frozen wastes of Northrend" (y/n) boasted.

Taelia's smile disappeared when she heard about Northrend, she stared at the emissary for a while before speaking
(Y/n)'s happy expressions disappeared as he remembered now where he had heard that name, this woman was Taelia Fordragon, Lord Bolvar Fordragon's daughter, he had warned and requested to (y/n) to never speak of his fate atop the Frozen Throne to his daughter.
"Did I say Northrend? No no, I have never—"
"You know my father? Do you know why his l-letters s-stopped coming?" Taelia's pure happiness was now tainted with grief, her glimmering joyful eyes were now glistening with tears.
The emissary took a deep breath, avoiding to meet her gaze. The woman would be broken if she knew what happened to her father.
"(Y/n)..." she held his hand that was resting on the table, her eyes begging for an answer "please, I need to know... what happened to him?" she muttered.
(Y/n) sighed, his breath shaking from fear before he looked back at her. The emissary held Taelia's hand encouragingly while she stared at him for an answer. Given her expressions, she feared and even expected to hear the worst. But it was up to him now of how he would answer her questions...

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