(Lor'themar x Reader x Kael'thas) Reminiscent- Part 2

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Kael'thas's art is done by startime2 from deviantart
They don't know for how long they stood like that, but time seemed to have stopped and the extreme cold in this winter's night didn't seem to matter anymore to them. "What am I letting myself do? I shouldn't be falling for someone again..." she thought when Lor'themar's cold hands began to caress her cheek. (Y/n) couldn't move or speak, as if she was frozen.
"I understand... that... this is difficult for you" the ranger lord whispered "to trust again..." he slowly pulled her closer until their lips were barely apart from each other.
The priest looked at him with lidded eyes, her hand reaching for his face and her thumb gently stroked his pronounced jawline when it did so. As they were moments away from the kiss, emergency flares from the Silvermoon scout towers were fired into the sky. Both puzzled by it, looked at the city. Wondering to themselves if it was just a mistake. However, they were sure by now that it was no mistake as the flares continued to be fired.
"There is something wrong" she muttered
"The city is in danger, we must leave" Lor'themar frowned and proceeded to leave this observatory for the city. (y/n) followed the ranger lord, for she too was worried by now.
On their way, they saw a group of maybe ten soldiers hooded and carrying bows gallop past them. The hooves of their horses hitting the ground made it seem like the earth would tremble.

The main gates were crowded with a few panicking citizens and mostly soldiers and guards trying to send them back home. As Lor'themar and (y/n) neared the crowd, a familiar voice called for them.
"Lor'themar! (Y/n)!" both of them looked at the direction of the voice almost at the same time
"Ishnu'alah General" Lor'themar greeted, nodding his head
"Lady Sylvanas" (y/n) bowed her head.
"Pleasantries can wait" the Ranger General replied "do you have any idea what has attacked our borders?" she spoke calmly but the fear in her eyes told a different story
"We don't, what has attacked us?" Lor'themar asked quickly
"They look like walking corpses, I have absolutely no idea what they are" Sylvanas spoke in a low voice, the worst thing that could happen was a panic spreading across the city
"The undead...!" (Y/n) spoke, receiving the General's gaze
"You know of them?" she asked
"I've read about them, let me accompany you to battle as blades of steel and arrows of iron doesn't hurt the dead" the priest said
"Very well priest, let's ride together... bring us the horses!" Sylvanas stepped aside as the armored stallions were brought.
Each choosing a mare for themselves, the trio accompanied by a few warriors, departed for the battlefield.
Soon the elves arrived to a forked path, they were certain it didn't used to be here before but instead it was crafted so that Sylvanas and her soldiers would be lost or delayed. One lead deeper into the forests no doubt but the other two wasn't known.
"Lor'themar, take (y/n) and a few of my archers with you. If this both paths lead to the same place then I'm certain we will meet on the other side" Sylvanas paused and looked at them "if not, I pray that you two will be able to fight your way to the battlefield... May the Eternal Sun guide you" she smiled and ordered her remaining soldiers to follow her.
(Y/n) and Lor'themar unaware to the fact that they are never going to see the Ranger General ever again.

One week later...

The armored hooves of the horse splashed on the watery ground, his eyes looked around his surroundings, wondering to himself what had happened here. The horse was about to slip but he pulled the reins of the stallion to prevent it from slipping before allowing it to sprint again. The mare jumped through tumbled down trees and burning piles of bodies before stopping in front of the once proud gates of Silvermoon. Getting down from the horse, he couldn't believe what he laid his eyes upon, where were the sapphire gates? The beautiful gems that once glowed with the promise of protecting the quel'dorei?. All the Prince Kael'thas could see was the burning corpse of a beautiful city. The prince entered Silvermoon to find it quieter than a graveyard, he looked around himself, his eyes begging to see another soul, his ears waiting for a single word to hear but nothing. Only the strong winds and the maddening silence. A crushing weight beared down on Kael'thas's heart when he remembered of (y/n) "did they get to her as well?" The prince gulped and tried to think otherwise, but seeing how the cathedral burned and most of the buildings ravaged, he couldn't think positively.
"This... isn't happening" he muttered "it cannot... it must not..." this was too much to handle for his mind, even a powerful wizard like him had felt his mind breaking.
"Our prince has returned!" Prince Kael'thas looked at the direction of the voice to find a group of soldiers heading towards him from the Bazaar
"Glad to see my people still fighting" he genuinely smiled to see that all hope wasn't lost "I never expected any less" he turned his gaze to the husk of this city "This is all that remains then?" he asked, but he already knew the answer.
"They killed everyone, and destroyed the Well... our Ranger General is lost to the war as well" a soldier replied
Kael stood silently, shocked to hear that even a great soldier like Sylvanas was lost to the undead. Before looking at them and replying "Our greatest priest, (y/n)? What has happened to her?" he expected to hear the worst
"(Y/n) is healing all and everyone she can, she's in our base at the Bazaar" the soldier said.
Kael'thas had already believed that (y/n) was gone, but hearing the news that she still lives, it renewed his spirits.
The prince would have gone to the Bazaar but saw the priest walking towards him, accompanied by Lor'themar.
"Prince Kael!" (y/n) couldn't believe in her eyes, she quickened her pace and ran to him. Holding his hands and looking at him longingly when she reached him.
"We'll leave you two alone" one of soldiers said and left with the group. Lor'themar didn't continue on his steps however, he looked at them, about to be reunited with each other and she was going to forget him. "What did I even expect?" Lor'themar sighed and went back to the Bazaar, feeling truly empty after all this time, as if when she ran towards the prince Kael, all of his happiness had left him with her.

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