(Kael'thas Ending) Reminiscent

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At the entrance of the Tempest Keep the fate of the three awaited. They all were connected in a similar way, they all felt a similar emotion, it was sorrow.
Lor'themar looked at (y/n) who almost looked happy, as if she is about to be reunited with her beloved prince again. The Regent Lord looked at his troops "enter the Keep and wait for us, we won't be long" they agreed and marched ahead. (Y/n) turned her gaze towards Lor'themar, confused. "Why aren't we following them?" she innocently asked.
The Regent Lord sighed and walked towards her "(y/n), hold yourself together" he held her shoulders and looked into her eyes "your anguish is clear behind that mask of happiness you have put on, there is doubt behind that confidence... believe in the truth while there is still time" Lor'themar requested, her denial made him feel broken
"I'm calm and collected, there is nothing wrong with me... I appreciate your concern but I'm about to bring our Prince back to Silvermoon and you can rest easy from your stressful work as a leader" (y/n) smiled happily and shook his hands "Thank you again, Regent Lord" she turned to the Keep and walked towards it. Lor'themar only saw her leave, she didn't look back once. All he hoped for her now was strength, the ability to face the truth.

Soon the enemies fell before the combined might of heroes and soon they were facing the Prince of Quel'Thalas himself.
The prince Kael knew that this day would arrive, that one day he would see (y/n) walking towards him but not to embrace him or covering his eyes lovingly with her soft hands but to kill him. He even knew of this that it would pain her more than anything, if he was in her place, he wouldn't even dare to walk all the way to here.
"Stay your blade my prince, I only wish to talk" (y/n) said, her voice as calm and loving as those years back.
"There is nothing to talk about" Prince Kael'thas coldly replied, not looking at her
"After all these years, you don't wish to talk? Don't you remember the promise we once made?" she asked, her happiness slowly fading
"Don't make this anymore difficult than it has to be" The prince felt his heart stop for a moment, he couldn't believe he was saying all of this "Look into my eyes (y/n), do you think I remember that promise? Do you think I care about anything but shaping the perfect future?" Kael'thas frowned
"My prince what are you talking about?! This isn't you!" (Y/n) broke into tears and wanted to reach for him but the prince stepped back and shouted "enough talk, you have infiltrated this Keep and it's my duty to keep my new home safe. Selama Ashal'anore" the prince proceeded to begin the assault.
(Y/n), unable to watch this all, she walked away from the battle. Waiting for the horrible truth outside the chamber.

A sharp pain in his heart drained him of all energy that he had for fighting, the prince fell to his knees, then on his back. The once brightly glowing roof this chamber appeared dim now, his whole life flashed before his eyes, especially his invaluable moments with (y/n). She was the true magic, the only one who had provided him solace after Jaina's refusal had devastated him. A slight smile curled his lips, a single tear slid down his eyes
"As long... as I have you... we have...hope" he muttered before the world before him went dark, cold.

Soon everyone was gone, the noises of steel and magic had stopped. (Y/n) entered the chamber, her heart breaking into pieces when she saw the prince Kael laying in a pool of his own blood. The priest fell to her knees by the prince's side and began weeping bitterly, all of the precious moments, from meeting him for the first time to their last day together had flashed before her eyes. (Y/n) held his cold hands and clutched them, she tried to heal him but she knew it was of no use... not anymore, her entire body was shaking as she tried her best to stay calm.
"Why did you have to do this?" she whispered "I loved you with all my heart and..." she sobbed "and this is what you did to me!" she cried out, sobbing bitterly as she clutched his lifeless hands. Something rough touched (y/n)'s hand, she looked to find a folded piece of paper in Kael's hand.
The priest took it and opened it, the letter read;

To my most beloved,
When you first arrived in Dalaran, I was heartbroken and grieving. For I had hopelessly fallen in love and she had crushed my heart. Until you walked up to me, greeting me and became acquainted with me. I was falling in love again and I hated it, until you proved me how foolish and wrong I was. I will never forget your final days in Dalaran... the way we walked in the gardens, and our magical confession under the moonlight. You were the true magic that has happened to me, I love you (y/n), beyond bounds... but as I'm a disappointment, I will want you to move on. You are the phoenix my love, soar free..."
Tears stained the letter, but it wasn't hers. To think what he must've gone through. The priest's eyes went to a fiery egg, not too far from the prince, it hatched to reveal a young ember, a young phoenix. (Y/n) picked up the crying hatchling "we have work to do A'lar" a sinister smile twisted her lips....

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