(Jaina) Lost Without You

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Requested by: Cybertron343
Note: a short story right here, 1600 words wow. Enjoy!
Northrend was never a beautiful place for the mage. Even the beautiful Howling Fjords, the enchanting pine trees of Grizzly Hills or the lush jungles of Sholazar would never be inviting to her. Sure, she never visited the place before but after who she had lost to the place, she would never return there. The memories of first arriving at the frozen docks and immediately feeling the need to return home was embedded in her mind. The haunting calls of restless spirits would travel with the wind.
If not for (y/n), protecting her from all foes like a shield, Jaina wouldn't even go as far to face her destiny in the Halls of Reflection and ultimately the Frozen Throne.
There were a few days left before traveling to the campaign leading the attack on Frozen Throne. Jaina brooded by herself in her chambers, looking at all the keepsake from Arthas and thinking to herself
"Are you thinking of me as well? Wishing we had a happier life together?... wishing that... we had a chance" a single tear rolled down her cheek. "Why..." she muttered.
Suddenly Jaina heard knocks on her chamber's door "please come in..." Jaina smiled and wiped her tears away, looking at the doorway to see who had arrived.
"I hope I didn't disturb any important research" a familiar voice warmly said
"(Y/n), glad to see you here" Jaina smiled at him
"Pleasantries can wait" he laughed "but you are starving since morning, I fail to be around for a few hours and you stop eating" (y/n) sighed and put down the tray of food in front of her
"No no, I was about to eat... just.." Jaina nervously chuckled and glanced at him, their eyes gaze into each other's for a while before she looks at the burning fireplace
"Is there something wrong Jaina?" (Y/n) asked when he noticed the trails of tears left on her face, he gently removed them with his thumb and stared at her worryingly.
"(Y/n)..." she sighed, holding his wrist gently, a memory rushed through her mind, of that same day when Arthas was leaving. Jaina was crying unceasingly but had tried to hide it from Arthas, but he had known and just like (y/n), he had gently wiped her tears away and gazed as intently into her eyes as (y/n) did.
"I am alright... I just cannot believe that I will have to face a day like this..." Jaina couldn't continue, the memories, the pain is still as strong since the prince had left.
"I understand the pain you are feeling... the guilt and the thought of all the possibilities that could save Arthas... I know..." (y/n) sighed, keeping his hand on hers "but believe me, he is lost... there is no such magic or anything that could bring him back"
Jaina gazed at him for a long while, pondering on what (y/n) said "is it?... is it truly that late to save him?..." her eyes began to glisten
"I'm sorry Jaina... I understand your pain" (y/n) replied, looking at her with grief.
Jaina huffed as she wrapped her arms around (y/n), sobbing on his shoulder.
(Y/n) was surprised at first, he wasn't sure of what to do. They have been friends for about four years now but he had never seen her break into tears like that. The man sighed and gently brushed the back of her head, her silky blonde locks sometimes tangling around his fingers, to think of what she was going through, made him feel saddened.
Jaina slowly looked at (y/n), her eyes glistening with tears. She would be surprised at any other time if she noticed their closeness, of how her fingers were intertwined with his and the intent gaze they both shared. But she didn't care, Jaina felt like she would freeze from her own painful memories if she wasn't standing as close to (y/n), the warmth in his presence was the only thing that kept her from breaking.
"Everyone that I had once loved... has left me..." Jaina muttered "where am I going wrong?"
(Y/n) brushed her cheek tenderly "nothing was or ever is your fault... you are doing what is right and what you think is right... it's all that matters" he gently replied, smiling.
Jaina slightly curled her lips as a smile "I don't know what I would do without you..." she muttered. Unknown to both of them that how entranced they were in each other, almost like time had stopped as they looked into each other's eyes. Lost amongst themselves, they slowly neared each other, Jaina felt his warm breath caress her face, his smell surround her like a dream and then the light touch of his lips but she couldn't continue. Jaina turned her head away from him, nervously smiling "I deeply apologize for such an action, it was indeed very improper of me" she quickly said and walked back from his embrace.
(Y/n) looked at her, puzzled before he laughed a bit to lighten the heavy mood that had surrounded them
"No, there is no need to apologize..."
"No (y/n), there is no need for you to apologize, you were simply there for me and I..." Jaina sighed in disbelief "I believe we should look at the important matters now... like the Scourge attacking the nearby area" she mumbled.
(Y/n) and her shared a gaze with each other before he took a deep breath "alright, meet me outside then" he said and proceeded to leave the room. Jaina sighed, disappointed in herself.

After the death of Arthas atop Frozen Throne, there was only a feeling of unease and confusion in (y/n)'s mind as he walked down from the Throne.
Everyone greeted (y/n) and the other heroes who accompanied him to the arduous battle. Except for Jaina, she was nowhere to be seen. "Where did lady Jaina went?" (Y/n) asked one of her accompanying mages
"She didn't inform that, but she did say not to go looking for her" the mage replied.
(Y/n) gasped a bit when he heard that, he knew precisely where the woman had gone.
(Y/n) rushed atop the Frozen Throne and saw Jaina sitting beside the deceased prince of Lordaeron. Her staff carelessly tossed aside as she was weeping bitterly by him.
(Y/n) walked towards her, looking at her with grief and pity before he knelt down beside her. Jaina wasn't surprised by seeing him here
"I thought I told everyone to not go looking for me..." she said
"Your words won't stop me from showing up to your assistance, no matter how strict of an order it was" he held her cold hand comfortingly.
Jaina chuckled "look at him, he looks like he is sleeping... about to wake up and laugh at us for believing that he is gone"
(Y/n) felt such pain from her situation, he could only imagine the grief she went through.
Jaina smiled before it faded "but... he won't would he?" she looked at (y/n) "he won't ever wake up... he is...gone" she covered her face in her palms and sobbed
"Jaina, hold yourself together" (y/n) wrapped his arms around her as she wept on his chest
"I cannot believe... this day would ever..." she muttered weeping
"Hush... it's alright, calm down" he comforted, gently brushing her hair.
They don't know for how long they sat there with each other, the cold had caused Jaina to shiver greatly.
"Let us leave Jaina, you are shivering" (y/n) looked at her
"I don't want to leave" she muttered
"You cannot stay here forever" he insisted
"If this Throne has become his grave then it will be mine as well, we can finally be together" she said in grief
"Jaina you are stressed, you need to relax" (y/n) didn't expect to hear those from her
"I don't! Leave me be!" She shouted
"Jaina! You are wise, you know better and are better than this... I know this would sound cold but face the reality, we all have to" (y/n) explained, slightly angered
"That's easy for you to say! Did you ever lose someone so flawless? So caring? No one can take Arthas's place..." Jaina sobbed
"Yes, I can" Jaina looked at (y/n) when he said that, gazing at him in confusion before he suddenly kissed her. Jaina stared at him, the slight expressions of confusion and grief in his frowning brows as his eyes slowly moved under his fluttering eyelids. The pain she had felt a while ago had slowly begun to soothe, she didn't feel so empty afterwards, she closed her eyes and returned the kiss.

Now, years had passed since the days of Northrend. Sacrificing all the turbulence, all the doubts, between them they were now sailing together. Sailing for Kul Tiras.
Jaina stood beside (y/n) who was gazing at the open seas, the sunset colored the waters in so many shades of red.
"I have never been this worried in my life before" she said, sighing
"It's alright, just think that we are visiting a new land, Admiral" he replied
Jaina chuckled "I would be so lost without you (y/n)" she turned her gaze to him and grinned
"No don't say that..." he held her hand and slowly tangled his fingers with hers "we both have found ourselves" (y/n) warmly smiled.
They shared a laughter before letting the escaping sun carry away their worries and grief....

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