(Sally Whitemane) Scarlet Heart Part-1

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Note: Happy Halloween! 🎃 so nice to be writing this book again, I hope you enjoy the chapters!
Art is from Deviantart, drawn by Aurillador
𝓐s a young child Sally had lost her family. And as a child that was her entire world, she was orphaned by the undead and in that hollowed part of her heart, revenge, guilt and hatred took its place. If not for a certain friend, she would've gone insane with those emotions.
As a novice recruit of the Scarlet Crusade, the priestess was always apathetic towards her surroundings. The young priestess was lonely and preferred to be that way, always seeing company as an obstacle between her and her slaughter of the dead.
The priestess Whitemane's quiet and cold personality was changed when another recruit joined under the Crusade's banner. A high elf paladin called (y/n). Sally found him to be quite the odd one but maintained her distance from him, however, he did quite the opposite.

(Y/n) asked around the order and got to know more about the priestess, and how she disliked the company of other people. To pester her, (y/n) would always have an excuse to strike up a conversation with the woman.
It has been a few days since the paladin joined their order but they had yet to talk with each other. Sally dreaded that he would show up anytime and introduce himself, also hoped that he might've forgotten about it.
As the priestess stood in her chamber, reading, she heard a few knocks on the door.
Turning her crimson gaze towards the sound she saw the paladin poking his head in, (e/c) eyes glowing with a soft shade of azure as his (h/c) hair smoothly slid past his plate armored shoulders.
"Hello?" Sally greeted him, confused
"Ah hello! I'm the new recruit who joined about—"
"Yes yes I know, what brings you here?" she interrupted him, irritated
"Oh" the paladin's cheerful expressions looked a little hurt "well, I just wondered that it would be nice to get to know a fellow Scarlet Crusader... I have met about everyone in this monastery, only you were left..." he paused when he saw the hint of frown in the priestess's brows "(y/n), by the way" he cleared his throat and stretched his hand out to her
"Uh..." Sally couldn't remember when the elf had entered her room and stood before her, she took a moment to reply and shook his hand "Sally... Sally Whitemane, just a novice recruit so not an important character, I'm really not someone who could provide you with missions and such" she awkwardly smiled, trying her best to escape from this conversation
"A novice recruit?" (Y/n)'s eyes lit up "I'm a beginner too! We could be great friends I'm sure, actually I've been getting a little annoying as the higher ranked soldiers tell me but I'm sure that I won't be annoying to you" he laughed cheerfully.
Sally blinked her eyes a couple of times "does he even take a moment to breath?" she thought after seeing the array of words from him. The paladin might be confident about becoming friends but Whitemane knew that she was going to stay away from him.
"Yes I'm certain" she grinned "I think the commander asked for you a while back, you might want to go and see" she said
"I should, be seeing you then" he smiled and exited the room.
"What a friendly guy" Sally shook her head slowly as the door closed shut in front of her.

Whitemane had thought that she had escaped from a new friendship back to her treasured solitary again, but she realized how wrong she was just as the sun had welcomed a new day.
Practicing the holy spells by herself, Sally was startled when she was greeted by the newest recruit.
"Good morning friend!" The cheerful voice soon revealed to be the high elf whom she had met yesterday.
"Good morning (y/n)" she smiled briefly before turning her attention towards the training dummies again
"I had gone to the commander yesterday but he said that he didn't ask for me, I wanted to return to you and converse but absolutely forgot about it, so sorry for that Sally" (y/n) apologetically looked at the priestess
"Ah that's no problem" she smiled "sometimes people here can be very forgetful, we always think about the undead and the war, you know" Whitemane explained
"I was wondering if we could go and bring a fight to the nearby undead camps?" he suddenly asked
"You are brave but unless you have a death wish, I would advice against it" Sally liked his somewhat childish bravery "I had attempted an assault but only returned injured and with barely any soldiers" she muttered, her peaceful eyes becoming riddled with rage
"You commanded them?" he asked curiously
"The soldiers? No, I was assigned to a mission, the soldiers were provided by the commander" she answered
"Oh, are you in this monastery for a while?"
"I have fought with the undead since the time I was but a teenager... I only joined the Crusade to make sure that they are destroyed" Whitemane stopped her spells, she didn't know that an innocent conversation could remind her of that dark past.
(Y/n) was astonished to hear that she had been fighting since that young age, so he asked her about it
"Teen? You fought since that young of an age? It must've been dreadful" he sighed, he heard of the fall of Silvermoon, he knew how ruthless the Scourge could be but unfortunately he was never there to fight for his homeland
"It was..." Whitemane could still hear the cries of her dying siblings in the back of her mind "I don't want to talk about it..." she took a deep breath, her gaze fixated on the grassy ground
"I... I understand" for the first time (y/n) looked to be in grief, and it pained Sally by seeing such a cheerful man become saddened by her. The priestess looked up at the paladin and into his eyes
"I thank you" she almost mumbled
"What for?" he asked
"There are few who cares, even fewer who understands... I thank you for understanding" she smiled genuinely
"I... I'm honored... I will leave you alone for now, we will talk again" he reluctantly smiled and left
"As you wish" Sally nodded and watched the high elf leave, disappearing behind the old doors of the monastery. The priestess felt a strange emotion stir in her heart, Sally couldn't believe that she had talked with someone that she intended to avoid. Something about him was truly commendable and endearing...

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