(Vol'jin) Long Lost Love

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Requested by: Finfychan and Flamingaura
The troll's golden eyes surveyed the surrounding villages, he smiled to himself as he saw his people living peacefully. Children ran around the huts and campfires happily, their mothers berating them for being too mischievous and fathers returning home with a content look in their eyes to see his family happy. No matter how short lived this peace maybe, no matter how fragile, it was worth every moment to live in and appreciate, Vol'jin thought.
Unknowingly he looked up from the village to the evening skies, feeling awed by the colors that the clouds were painted in by the setting sun. After the return from First Home everything seemed more beautiful and bright than it is, perhaps that's what happens to the mind after dwelling in gloom for too long.
The young troll was happy to be back but he couldn't quite enjoy his return as his father had been missing along with a group of warriors, some of them were his friends.
It wasn't anything new to Vol'jin that their isles were constantly under attack, they might've been fighting those threats and should return when the fight is over, right? Well, even if he didn't wish to doubt Sen'jin and his warriors, there was always that little voice in the back of his mind that sang only pessimistically. What if something truly happened to his father? What if he never returned? Would Vol'jin be a capable leader of his people like Sen'jin was? Or would he fail them?... Vol'jin frowned and exhaled a long held breath that he didn't even know he was holding. "Don't be thinking like that Vol'jin, only makes ya look stupider" Vol'jin thought to himself before he decided to take a walk in such a beautiful evening.

As the young troll walked down from the hill he realized that how dark it was getting, the jungles below seemed almost dark as night. The birds were no longer singing except for a lonely owl hooting somewhere. For trolls it wasn't very difficult to see in the dark but the real problem would be when a mad beast decided to attack, thinking of the young troll as an easy prey.
However, Vol'jin intended to prove it wrong.
In a distance he could see a still lake, a place he used to visit often with his childhood friends but these memory wasn't the reason that grabbed his attention. Vol'jin saw a shadow move ever so slightly among the foliage, he furrowed his brows and held unto his spear, ready to strike should that shadowy figure attack. The troll kept moving forward, he was almost near the lake when he saw that shadow creeping up behind him. Noticing Vol'jin's cautious gaze, the figure stood still by a tree, hoping that the troll might turn around and walk away. As if Vol'jin was able to read the figure's mind, he looked away and began to walk away, easing his posture and grip on the spear, leaving him completely vulnerable to a surprise attack. Or so they thought.

Vol'jin kept hearing for any funny actions from the figure, he glanced briefly over his shoulder before he felt something reaching for his head. Without any delay Vol'jin grabbed the hand that held a sharp dagger, its edges inches away from stabbing into his skin. The troll smiled triumphantly when he caught his 'assassin', recognizing her immediately with the hint of fear and anger in those ever familiar (e/c) eyes.
"Ye haven't changed a bit (y/n)!" Vol'jin grinned
"Who said dat I be done fighting?" the female troll answered, releasing herself from him before she attempted to strike again.
Vol'jin stepped aside for her next attack and deflected the second one with ease. Angered by these unsuccessful attempts (y/n) growled and punched him straight into his chest, hoping that his breath might hitch at least.
But nothing, Vol'jin blinked his eyes a couple of times before he laughed, quickly covering his mouth as he didn't intend to do so in the first place.
"Accept dat defeat, you may be de winner against everyone but you no winner against me" Vol'jin chuckled "we both be knowing dis since we be young"
"No! I just... I let ya win since you be tired from dat trip from First Home!" (Y/n) ignored the troll's widening grin as she made that excuse
"Right right" Vol'jin stepped closer to (y/n), seizing her face gently, causing her to be surprised as he made sure her entire attention was on him "it be good to see you again" he whispered "don't you be trying another of dem 'attack' on me" his tone was tantalizing
"Can't be promising dat" she teasingly smiled before attempting another surprise attack only to have it caught by Vol'jin
"Ye haven't changed a bit" he chuckled before kissing her, reigniting a long lost love...

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