(Kel'thuzad) Only The Best

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Note: Happy Halloween! 🎃 So nice to be writing this book again, I hope you enjoy the chapters!
𝕿he mage's eyes watched as he read through scrolls after scrolls that were scattered throughout the old table. The fading light of the evening made it rather difficult for him to read, yet he squinted his eyes and frowned his brows, continuing to read. The wizard looked around for his apprentice, where is she? Kel'thuzad remembered that he sent her out to find some old spell tomes somewhere around the library. But she has yet to return.
Letting out a sigh in disappointment he picked up another scroll, absentmindedly touching his dark hair, a few strands of silvery ones slid down his gaunt face, he wondered if it was the cause of age or stress caused by the forgetfulness of his apprentice.
As Kel'thuzad lost his sense of time among the old pages, he was startled back into reality when he heard books thrashing unto the ground.
"Whoops!..." a woman muttered nervously before she quickly picked them up and walked into the room.
"There you are" Kel'thuzad said as soon as he saw her "you can teach me something about patience" he jested
"I'm a high elf, I can at least try" (y/n) nervously giggled before placing the thick, dusty old tomes on his table. Putting her hands behind her she stood a few steps back as soon as her work was done.
Kel'thuzad picked one at a time and inspected the books briefly before his calm demeanor changed to an irritated one. "I specifically asked for the tome on necromancy... and I don't see it here" he muttered, looking at the elf
"I-I looked for it... b-but it wasn't either in your library or the city's" she stuttered.
Kel'thuzad stared at her, without blinking before he rested his chin on his palm and raised a brow
"Are you quite sure? Unless the book can cast spells on itself, it should've been in the library" he inquired
"Very sure, master wizard" she nodded "I looked in every nook and cranny but alas it was nowhere to be seen" she said, sounding confident.
The wizard nodded and stood up from his chair, his apprentice looked at him with concern in her gaze.
"Well, as it appears I have to shuffle through old books now" he muttered to himself as he walked towards the bookshelf, not too far from (y/n).
"After all, how can I be so sure that I have understood all the contents of my older tomes" the wizard talked as if (y/n) was invisible in the room. As he was about to pick up the book from the shelf he turned his gaze to his apprentice "unless... you aren't really telling me the truth" he smiled "it's alright, all students love to lie sometimes" he said when he noticed her nervous expressions.
"I-I would never lie to you master wizard" (y/n) quickly said "it is entirely the t-truth that I didn't find the book you were looking for" she hoped that she didn't anger him.
Kel'thuzad's gaze darted towards her arms that she kept behind her back
"Then, what would that be?" he asked
"Nothing at all!" she answered but didn't show her hands. But her failing to stay calm told a different story.
The wizard nodded and took quick steps towards her, almost snatching the book from her before she attempted to hide it with a spell. "Look I found it!" Kel'thuzad laughed "or should I say, someone hid it and lied to my face?" his charming smile faded as he said those words. (Y/n) looked saddened and ashamed, she sighed and muttered an apology.

Kel'thuzad noticed the uncomfortable nearness between them before he stepped back, putting all his attention to the dark book he found.
(Y/n) didn't say anything for a few moments, the turning of pages being the only noise in the room. The elf sighed and looked up from the ground "there was a reason for me to hide this book" she muttered
"Of course there was" Kel'thuzad almost immediately replied "only thing remains for you, is to tell it" he sighed in disappointment.
"I don't want you to be exiled from this city because of studies... mages are all about study but you... looking into such dark arts—" she was interrupted
"I'm aware of my studies, so am I aware of its consequences" Kel'thuzad replied
"I have no doubts about that... but... I don't want to see you leave me like this" she appeared to be in grief, before she slightly blushed when she realized that her words sounded a tad too affectionate "I-I mean you are a great teacher and it'd be a shame to see you leave" she corrected herself, nervously smiling.
Kel'thuzad looked up from the book, he smiled a little "I see... well, if my plans are successful then I'll be sure to make you a great part of it" he replied, she felt a strange hint of affection or something else in his voice and eyes.
"Now, it is too late... go home and rest, we will continue your classes further tomorrow" Kel'thuzad turned around, casually putting the book down on his table with the other ones.
(Y/n) sighed, she was anxious and reluctant to attempt something but just in case her fears become reality, she would regret of this reluctance. The elf walked towards Kel'thuzad and pulled him into her embrace, tightening her arms around him as if she would never see him again.
The wizard was shocked when he felt a loving and warm presence surround him, he looked to find his apprentice quietly sobbing as she embraced him.
"(Y/n)?" he muttered
"I wish only the best for you... always" she whispered.

At that moment, Kel'thuzad never understood why she did that or what she meant. But now, standing in Naxxramas, he had begun to understand that as the champions of Azeroth breached its defenses.
The Lich turned his head to his then apprentice, now a powerful undead necromancer, she looked back at him with an empty gaze.
"The defenses are being breached" Kel'thuzad, as if announced it "take care of Mr.Bigglesworth while I'm gone, will you" he picked up his dear cat in his bony hands, placing it gently upon (y/n)'s open arms.
"As you wish... master wizard" she replied, smiling.
The Lichlord proceeded to leave them before he felt something stop him. He looked to find her arms wrapped around his rib cage, he still could detect the affection in her embrace.
"Is there something you wish to tell me (y/n)?" he chuckled
"I wish only the best for you..." she muttered quietly...

(A/N): I hope that wasn't creepy to read lol, I found this little info on Kel'thuzad's coin on WoWhead and then this story happened 😆

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