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Please fill free to give opinions about the topic this is a no judgement zone so you opinions are totally entitle here 😊

Okay so boom,

Queen is expecting and it shook the whole fucking world when they announced it on their conjoined channel. Now I love Clarence and queen especially since the growth she's had this year is amazing I'm glad she's got a second chance at her dreams and it's working out in her favor but I can't get over how she got pregnant. Like I seriously can't, get over how they met up in January and collab with both of their channels six months ago and how it lead to more (which I love 💕) and now she's pregnant?

Ik them fans in her comments be mostly kids who thinks anything that doesn't talk about how cute her hair is that day is "bashing" or "hating" when really fans are like family, we are suppose to KEEP IT FUCKING REAL 🗣‼️ and some people who aren't even a fan are saying that it seems rushed especially since from what I remember before they even met up in ny in Jan they were going on live and joining each other's live saying they should meet up that's how the fans met or how I met Clarence and knew him. And in their video they said that they loved each other and felt more for one another after or before the Miami trip which I don't remember.

And it's cute or whatever but i love and I'm happy that their happy cause I truly have watched queen grown and prosper into who she is and won't wish nothing but positive things to come her way and everything happens for a reason either way but I just can't grasp a hold on how far they moved into becoming parents. It's only been six months if you think of it, SIX and out of those six months she wind up being four - five months so they basically took two months to become friends and "learn each other" as Clarence put it and decide let have sex unprotected.

(Idk math like that sooooo I could be wrong 😂🤷🏽‍♀️)

Also what made me giggle is in the video Clarence said that everyone was wanting them to make it official and now that it happened the fans are saying they rushed and moving too fast. See this is why I laughed, they don't listen to anything their fans say but they listen to that? And look how that turned out 😂, honesty I truly can't. My sister said "We said get wit Queen not impregnate Queen you dumbass." And she's only 12 🤣 but she ain't lyin...

So not only was they fucking but I feel like Queen truly never got to be by herself. Allot of people notice she depends on men to direct her life which I personally think Queen thinks she needs that strong manly support but never got to experience being single and grieve even if she didn't need too but you can't deny that her and Chris had history since they were young teenagers and you throw that away in a month and find another man but a GOOD man and then get pregnant again? Sis CJ has cavities and now is going back and forth from Houston and Atlanta and right in the height of your career you get prego.

Ik Cardi got pregnant but sis was MARRIED and she's wayyy older than queen 🤷🏽‍♀️. And not to mention Kulture is her first child. Shit I mean De'arra and Ken are around the same ages as Clarence and queen and they've been together for four freakin years and you ain't seen a damn baby being popped out Dearra coochie.

Trust me at the end of the day they grown but I feel like they could've waited before having unprotected sex or at least pull out cause it's only been six months and they making it seem like they known each other since they came out the womb. I just hope they fully know each other well and to not be surprised if they see "changes" because they didn't give it enough time in all honestly.

Any opinions?

But I love them but don't forget I'm not one of the trampoline dickjumping fans they got that's gonna sit up here and not say shit. IM BLACK FOR A REASON 💯

Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I know you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all
But I think you're moving too fast

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