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I walked into the cafeteria dreading the hurtful things that were bound to be said. Just like every other day since we started middle school.

"Why are you even showing your face at our table?" Kaitlyn hissed.

"You obviously don't belong here. I mean look at you. I could have mistaken you for a cow!" Jessica added.

"I.....I......I-" I couldn't finish yet again. I ran off with tears threatening to spill. I am weak. I always have been. My confidence level is at an all time low. I run to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. You are worthless, no one cares about you, you're ugly, you don't belong. All these thoughts run through my head. Why do I even bother trying to fit in with these girls? They are all skinny, pretty, and have all the guys wrapped around their fingers.

"Hello? Are you alright?" I heard an unfamiliar voice come into the bathroom.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I sniffled.

"I can tell you are upset. Please come out. I might be able to help." the girl replied sweetly. I opened up the stall and saw a girl about 5'4 with dark brown hair. She was petite but not too skinny. Just the right amount of meat on her bones. Just by looking at her she seemed sweet.

"There, now tell me what's bothering you." she said.

"I just don't fit in with the girls in this school, they are all skinny, pretty, and popular. They remind me every day." I explained.

"You are not fat; I also think you are super pretty. You don't need to be popular to be happy." she said smiling back.

"Thank you. By the way what is your name? I haven't seen you around here before." I asked.

"Oh that's right, I'm new here. I just transferred from Minnesota. My name is Aubrielle, nice to meet you." she replied.

"Nice to meet you my name is Mallory." I smiled back wiping the last tear on my face.

"Why don't you come over to my house tonight and we can get to know each other better and you can let me in on all the stuff I need to know about this town." Aubrielle asked.

"That sounds great. What class do you have next?" I asked.

"Biology. What about you?" She said obviously dreading it.

"Same! You are a sophomore right?" I said.

"Yeah I am! Good to know I will have at least one friend in class." she said smiling.

****after school****

"My house isn't too far away so we can walk." Aubrielle told me.

"Okay, let's go then I can't wait to get out of this hell hole." I said.

She led me to a street that's about 4 blocks away from my house. We both live rather close to the school.

"Well, hello! Who is this if I may ask?" A lady who I assumed was Aubrielle's mom.

"I'm Mallory, a friend of Aubrielle's from school. Nice to meet you." I said politely.

"Nice to meet you as well, I'm Erica her mother." she said shaking my hand.

"Mallory, come on!" Aubrielle said walking towards the stairs.


"How come those girls treat you like that?" Aubrielle asked. As soon as we got to her room I knew she would ask this at some point. I felt like I could really trust this girl.

"Well back in 6th grade I used to be friends with all of them. Actually my two best friends are now in that group. When we moved into 7th grade they moved onto being friends with older grade girls. I wasn't as skinny as pretty as them I guess to be accepted into that friend circle, so I got pushed to the side. Being in this small of a school also caused me not to really have any real friends at all. After that I didn't let anyone get close to me, fearing that they would all turn their backs on me. They have bullied me ever since. Calling me names, humiliating me any chance they get." I sighed after my long explanation.

"I'm so sorry. I know how it feels to be bullied but I can't say I know what you're feeling." Aubrielle said sympathetically.

"Thanks. It's not your fault. I just don't know how to stick up to them. Whenever I try I just stutter and then run away. I almost changed schools last year, but I decided to stay." I said feeling ashamed.

"I am not confident either. I am not good at confrontations or even meeting new people. Surprisingly if I wouldn't have met you today I wouldn't have made any friends for the rest of the year." she answered back.

"Good thing this year is almost over and I can get away from their torture." I said. There is only 3 more weeks of school thankfully.


For the rest of the night we talked about her old school and how she had friends but was also bullied by a couple of girls. She transferred schools for her mom's job here in my town. We talked about anything and everything until I got a text from my mom telling me to come home for dinner. My mom is clueless when it comes to my life. She has no clue that I have been depressed for a good year now. I put on a fake smile and pretend like I love my life.

"I have to go home for dinner, thanks for having me over tonight. I really needed to let it out to someone." I thanked Aubrielle.

"It was my pleasure. I'm glad that I was able to meet a new friend today." she replied.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow then!" I said my goodbye as I left for home.


"Look what we have here! Mallory has a new friend!" Ashley spoke.

"Oh wow. I can't believe anyone could like such a girl like her. She has no personality, obviously no self-esteem; I mean look what she is wearing. Where did you find that your grandma's closet?" Jessica added fuel to the fire.

'Look at her friend. She looks so intimidated by us. Is baby going to cry?" Kaitlyn spoke. I grabbed Aubrielle's arm and headed for the door. I was not going to let them say anything else to us. I brought her to the old English classroom. This is where I usually eat lunch. I don't know how much more I can take of these girls. Ellody and Lillah just sit and watch. They used to be my friends. Now they just hang their heads as if doing so will excuse them for watching your ex-best friend get bullied every day.

*****************fast forward************************

The next few weeks we avoided the "populars" as Aubrielle now calls them, the best we could After that day in the bathroom we were inseparable. It's lunch time and I am not sure what today has in store. I felt bad for dragging Aubrielle into this. I tried telling her it was okay if she did not want to be friends with me any longer, but she always told me that she could handle it. She told me she would never let me go through this alone again. Every day the girls had a new comment to spit at us. I don't know how I am going to get through another year of this. Even with Aubrielle at my side.


So what did you guys think? I had this idea and just had to put it on here. I don't know if I will continue but if you want to see more just let me know :)

-Brianna xx

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