Beginnings and Ruins

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"Sans! How come you know we had a father and I don't?" Yelled Papyrus. 

"What do you mean?!" Sans yelled back "We always had a father." 

"Sans!" Papyrus yelled back. Sans looked up at Papyrus but the figure he saw was his father Gaster. Sans found himself in the lab, remembering the torture he faced, the pills he was forced to consume, and the figure looming over him. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Stay away from me!" Screamed Sans *gasp* 

Sans pov: 

I heard Papyrus gasp. I looked up and was horrified to see that I had struck my brother with one of my attacks. 

"Papyrus!"I yelled. I looked around and realized I was in the Ruins It had just been a dream. I have been hid in in the ruins with Toriel, Undyne, and Frisk the human for about a month. I got up and start to do the chores I was assigned to. I was dusting the kitchen when I suddenly hear someone talking to me. 

"So... another nightmare huh w.d. Sans." I look up and saw Mel (he's me but not me it's confusing to explain but I am the only one that can see him. He's with me everywhere and I don't like it but he can't leave me so I have to put up with him.) Smirking at me. "So? What about it Mel?" I said "I had another nightmare its... none of your business anyways."

 "Heh heheheheheh Sans this is why your life is so mess up. Sans." Said Mel. I ignored him and went to the exit of the ruins I heard someone trying to break down the door it was my brother Papyrus. I just stood their he has been trying to get to me for a month now everyday blow after blow trying to break down the door to get in the ruins.... and me. Suddenly he stopped. Suddenly Papyrus spoke " Sans I know your their." He said "Do you think that you can achieve happiness in the ruins?" Well I'll tell you this Sans... their is NO happiness in the ruins." "When your at your lowest I'll come and get you brother."

 I stood their in shock as Papyrus walked away to go probably train the new royal guards. I collapsed in my knees Papyrus was right... Mel just stared at me in silent  

"Why? Why did everything have to be so... so ruined?" I thought knowing Mel could hear my thoughts. "I don't know Sans. Maybe that's your fault." Said Mel  

Papyrus pov: 

I walked away from the ruins door I glanced back. My brother Sans was in the ruins and that door was blocking my way to get to him. I went back to the capital to train the new royal guards, I wonder what is my brother thinking will he come out. If he does... that makes my job a lot easier I smirked. Sans my beloved brother I'll come and get you, just you wait. I stopped smiling. No one found out I wasn't the real Papyrus, the real Papyrus was sleeping inside of his body. I was the megalomaniac of Papyrus. I wasn't the real Papyrus I awakened when Sans accidentally stuck his brother with one of his bone attacks. I have to get to my brother Sans no one can have him, he's mine and mine alone. I think I can manage to make the king understand and get his name off of the criminal list.

In the castle: 

"One human soul left." said Asgore. "Yes my king." Said Papyrus. "When we get the last human soul we will break the barrier free our kind, and have revenge on the humans." He said "Do you understand Papyrus?"

 "Yes my king, but may I ask for a request? I askedHim. "What is your request Papyrus? He said in a voice that hold command and a little bit of kindness. I took a deep breath and said 

"I what my brother Sans off of the criminal list my king."

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