The timeline has been glitched due to the many resets Frisk has done. Causing the storyline and characters to be affected by the glitches. Papyrus has been affected by the glitch and has turned yandere (maybe? I don't know...yet... I'll add a better...
... hey... I don't think I can update today. My grandma's dog died today... and he was like the dog I never had...I cried so much... I have known him for 8 years. And I never dealt with a dog dying/dead before. I'm sorry it's just... I just can't believe that he's gone. He died alone... (my grandma lives in Thailand) and I couldn't say goodbye to him... I saw him last summer and now he's just... gone... I miss you... and I love you Kaidun. (He is a Thai Bangkaew dog they are funny, cute, and smart. It's sad they don't have them here)
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