Author Note
Hey. It's been a while hasn't it? I'm sorry that it took me as long as it did. This chapter was suppose to be finished last week but, I was busy with school and stuff. So this is probably the longest chapter i have written so far. Well enjoy!
"Ganz the human is dangerous!" Undyne yelled
"No! They are not Undyne! Shut it!" Ganz shouted back. "But Ganz- "This conversation is over." growled Ganz as he turned his back on Undyne, and started down the hall. Undyne stared at Ganz with a burning fury in her eye, but she said nothing. Undyne turned around and walked back to her room. She couldn't that Ganz would defend a human. For god sake! This is the last human soul that they need to break the barrier, but Ganz refuses to take and let anyone take their soul.
"What's so different about this human then all the other humans?" Undyne thought as she sat down. She knew Ganz had killed a human before so why was he not killing this one? Damn it! Undyne brought her fist down to the table as she ran her hand through her long red hair. She was frustrated at herself for many things. "Just why the hell did I even help Ganz?" Undyne had thought about this question many times before when she was here, but she couldn't seem find an answer. Undyne laid on her bed in deep thought. She remembered the fun times she had training Papyrus and the cooking lessons they had together. Was it the guilt that made her help Ganz? Was it the guilt that Papyrus changed because of her? Undyne had never felt so... useless like she had now. The words that Papyrus had said still replayed in her mind. She sat up from the bed. A plan was starting to form in her head. She knew what she had to do. But first where was that tiny human.
Ganz walked to the room he was staying in and opened the door, revealing an upside down Mel with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Heya~!" Said Mel as he turned himself right side up. "I hate you." Ganz replied in a cold tone. "Aww~ come on Ganz all that negativity is bringing you down." Ganz walked over to the desk and sat down, he gave a sigh as he turned to look at Mel. "What do you want?" Asked Ganz
"... I heard your conversation with Undyne. You know she's right." said Mel as he crossed his arms. "Oh... you heard us... what am I thinking? Of course you heard us." Ganz as if the answer was right in front of him. "Where's Frisk?" Asked Mel in concern. "She's sleeping in her room." Ganz answered. "Why you ask?"
"Nothing it's just.. I had a bad feeling." Said Mel as he floated a little closer to the door. Suddenly they hear a loud explosion coming from the exit of the ruins. Ganz stood up so fast the chair fell onto the floor with a loud clatter. The chair forgotten Ganz ran and swung the door open and saw a worried Toriel, and a frightened Frisk who clung onto her dress. "My queen please hand over the human." That voice it sounded like Undyne, and to Ganz horror that voice indeed belong to Undyne. "I shall do no such thing!" Toriel yelled as she put a protective hand of Frisk shoulder. A look of horror and betrayal formed on Ganz face, how could she? No... he probably should have known this would happen. He shouldn't have trusted Undyne in the beginning. Then they heard voices coming from the basement ( aka where the exit of the ruins are) Mel could make out some of the words.
"Deltas you take care of the human and the others. I shall take care of Ganz myself." Commanded Papyrus who stood where the door was supposed to be. As they were distracted Undyne took the chance to attack Frisk. Undyne formed four spears and aimed them at Frisk, who screamed and raised their hand helplessly to block the spear. Frisk waited for the pain but felt none, they opened their eyes and saw a wall of bones with a spear in the middle of it. Toriel who was clearly outraged at the attack threw fireballs at Undyne; who barely dodged them.
"My child run!" Command Toriel as she blocked Undyne's path. Frisk without hesitation took off running, but was stopped abruptly by a Delta who pounced at Frisk. Just before the Delta was able to sink its sharp teeth in Frisk right shoulder. Ganz drew a sharpened bone and quickly impaled the Delta on the neck, as the both of them struggled Ganz turned to Frisk and yelled
"RUN!" Frisk hesitated for a moment but started to run into the ruins. Toriel threw a few more fireballs at Undyne ;who was fast at dodging but she wasn't fast enough, as for a fireball hit her on her arm. She hissed in pain and rubbed the burn on her arm. Toriel took a step forward towards her which caused Undyne to look up from her arm. "Ganz, please go after Frisk. I shall take care of Undyne." Toriel said while keeping her eyes on the figure before her. Ganz got up and nodded before taking off after Frisk.
"Why?! Why are you protecting that human?" Undyne yelled. "I shall not let another human child die by the hands of a murderer!" Toriel yelled with angry and sadness in her voice, it caused Undyne to step back. Toriel held back the tears in her eyes. She wouldn't let another child die. Never again would she fail. Toriel summoned a wave of fireballs at Undyne. "Stay safe my child." She whispered to no one.
Ganz pov:
I hurried to catch up with Frisk; who was surprisingly a really fast runner. I came to a puzzle that had spikes, I knew that if I stepped on the wrong spike I'd be a goner. So I decided I wouldn't waste my time solving this puzzle when I could just teleport. I teleported to the other side and proceeded to run after Frisk. After a while of running I came into a room where I saw Frisk sitting on some flowers looking exhausted. I took a deep breath and walked into the room,
"Heya kiddo." Frisk turned around with a scared face, but that expression was soon replaced with relief and concern. They looked at me then made a gesture with their hand after a while. I took this as a sign to come over to them, when I reached Frisk I sat down on the flower which were surprisingly comfy. After a moment of silence Frisk broke the silence. "...Sans... are you ok?" asked Frisk who stared at my clothing. I followed their stare and found the reason why Frisk asked me that question. My sweater had blood stains and my hands were covered with dried blood. "Oh..." I said quietly as I stared at my stained sweater. "
It's not my blood Frisk... it's the Deltas blood." I heard an "Oh." sound come out of Frisk who looked up at the sky. "This is where you fell Frisk?" Frisk laid back and looked at the cloud passing by, after a few moments they nodded without taking their eyes off the sky. I looked up at the hole questions swarming my head. How did she survive the fall? Why did she come here in the first place? Did the flowers cushion her fall? I opened my mouth to ask Frisk, but then shut my mouth maybe it's better not to ask her. I remembered that Frisk never talked about their life on the surface or their family, in fact they didn't seem to be worried about being stuck here. Then the answer hitted me. It hitted me so hard I felt like passing out, oh dear god of Asgore.
" Frisk why did you climb Mount Ebott?" I asked as a breeze came by. Frisk turned to look over the balcony then answered. "I'm looking for my brother who came here." I froze and slowly turned around. "Your brother?"
"Yeah." they fished something out of their pocket and showed me a photo of themselves and... I felt my soul drop. No it can't be. I felt reality hit me. My legs almost gave away, but I managed to keep standing. The people in the photo were Frisk and.... Jean the human that fell not long ago. The human... I couldn't save. "Um.. this is Jean and um.. their my older brother. Have you seen him?" asked Frisk who looked up with eyes that showed desperation and begging at the same time.
"Tell them Ganz." whispered Mel. I took a deep breath and... lied."
*End of flashback*
"Frisk. Remember when you asked about your brother?" At the word "brother" they sat up and nodded. "Frisk the truth is..." I could feel Mel's stare on my back. "Tell them Ganz... tell them, it'll end your guilt." Whispered Mel. "The truth is... the truth is... I lied." I said "I lied about not seeing your brother." I looked up at Frisk. Frisk didn't say anything and for the very first time I saw them open their eyes. I stopped a small gasp coming out of me, Frisk eyes were not any other eye color I have seen before. Their eyes were a crimson red, were humans eye color usal this color? I was taken out of my thoughts when Frisk shook my shoulder a little. "You... lied to me?" They asked. I locked my eyes on Frisk's eyes and nodded. "Yes." I said "I lied to you Frisk. I'm..sorry." "But why?" They asked hoping to get an answer of where their brother was. I couldn't look at Frisk anymore so I turned my head away from them. "Because your brother is dead frisk... I'm so sorry."

Eternal Bloodied Petals
FanfictionThe timeline has been glitched due to the many resets Frisk has done. Causing the storyline and characters to be affected by the glitches. Papyrus has been affected by the glitch and has turned yandere (maybe? I don't know...yet... I'll add a better...