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Oh? What is this? A update after god knows how long? Sorry for not updating in a while. Um yeah so I um hope your having a nice day and summer so far. 

"What glitch?"

Frisk frozen at the question. Her blood ran cold as she forced herself to look at Flowey. Oh god... he wasn't suppose to find out about the glitch. 

"Frisk? What glitch." Flowey asked. His curiosity began to grow the longer Frisk didn't answer. 

"Frisk?" Flowey tried again noticing them pale as he pressed on for an answer.

Oh god... what was she suppose to tell him? 

"Uh yeah so I reset about a hundred times and it caused glitches to show up, so yeah I'm the reason this timeline is going down the drain so fast." 

"Yeah no." Frisk sighed she didn't want to tell Flowey about the glitch, but she assumed that he wouldn't stop asking her until she answered him. 

"Flowey... I didn't really want to tell you about it... because I didn't want to bother anyone." Frisk continued as Flowey listened intently, not wanting to miss a single detail to the new information. 

"I just wanted to deal with it all by myself... I didn't want to burden anyone, but I guess that was a fault to my part. Because everything that's happening Flowey, is my fault." Frisk hung her head in shame. She didn't want to reach out for help... she didn't want to be a burden to anyone. 

"Frisk... what do you mean... "your" fault?" Flowey asked in confusion at her words. Frisk bit the bottom of her lips before pressing on to tell the full story.

"Flowey... don't you get it? I'm the cause of the glitches... I reseted too many times and it caused the timeline to glitch. And look where we are now." Frisk extended her arm moving them in the air before bringing it back down. 

Flowey stayed silent as he digested the new information. He didn't really know what to think. He wanted to scream at them. How could they reset so many times?! And how come he didn't know anything about this?! And yet he wanted to comfort them. Telling Frisk that it's not her fault. That she didn't want to bother anyone. Besides it's just how she is. A overly determined kid. Flowey sighed to himself. Now he knew why things felt a little... off with the timeline. They could try to fix the timeline, but he couldn't guarantee that it would fix all of the glitches. It would depend on how broken the timeline is.

"And hopefully it's not too broken." Flowey thought to himself. Looking at Frisk he sighed once again, extending a vine he patted her on the back, surprising Frisk. She turned around with a confused look on her face. 

"Frisk, I know what we have to do to fix the timeline." Flowey said his eyes staring straight into Frisk. Frisk looked shocked.

She had expected Flowey to burst out in anger at her, not comfort her. She really did expect him to blame her for the glitches.

"W-what? You know how to fix the timeline?!" Frisk gasp not fully believing there was a way to fix the timeline. Flowey nodded before continuing.

"I can't guarantee that it will fix the timeline at all, but it's worth a shot." Frisk nodded urging Flowey to continue with his plan. 

"For now continue with the neutral route Frisk. And after you finish the route... I think you know what to do after that." Flowey smiled a knowing smile at her. Frisk looked confused before understanding what he meant. Smiling back she nodded.

"Okay Flowey, let's go!" Frisk let Flowey wrap his vines around her arm before they continued towards the Ruins together.

The figure watched the two as the left, smiling before whispering.

"Good friends."




[End of Arc]


~ Thank you guys for all of the support and comments these past year(s?) I means a lot to mean and they make my day. I'm so happy that people enjoy my this fanfiction so much and I want to make people look forward to my next ideas. Ah in thank you as I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did. Thank you.~

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