Where is he

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Enjoy Readers.

"...Ganz? Are you here?" Frisk peeked through the doorway of the balcony. Hoping to find her familiar skeleton friend. But that hope was quickly crushed when she was greeted by silence. Frisk frowned sadly. She had been so excited to show Ganz the snails that she had caught with Toriel too. "Huh. He's not here?" Frisk signed to Undyne. Undyne shook her head."Yeah. He said he had to go do something," she responded to her."...I see." Frisk signed in disappointment at the answer.Frisk glanced down at the red friendship bracelet on her wrist. She and Undyne made them together. Who knew that the old captain of the royal guards could make friendship bracelets.In all of the resets that Frisk had done, never had Undyne and her made friendship bracelets when they had the "play date" together. She was pretty sure that Toriel wouldn't want them to burn down her kitchen anyways. But it was still fun in the end though. Frisk smiled to herself as she leaned on the balcony, overlooking the view of the ancient Ruins before her. The view had always taken her to breathe away no matter what reset. Frisk let out a sigh."Ganz, where did you go?" Frisk whispered out loud to the Ruins. "Maybe... he left the Ruins." Chara materialized next to Frisk and stared out to the Ruins."This was always my favorite spot in the Ruins, you know," Chara told Frisk."C-chara?!" Frisk stuttered out in surprise at their sudden appearance. "Huh? It looks like you saw a ghost, Frisk. Oh. Wait. I am a ghost. Ahahaha!" Chara laughed finding it funny."That-....anyways. What do you mean that he left the Ruins?" Frisk asked as Chara began to recover from their laughing fit. "Ah...haha...ha...ah." Chara wiped away a tear from their red crimson eye before answering."I mean... what if he left. You know the Ruins are not that big. So that could only mean that he left the Ruins." "W-what!? B-but he told me himself that he was deemed a traitor for helping a human!" Frisk was shocked and worried now."I-if he left the Ruins he would get caught and put in prison! Why would he go outside!?" "Beats me." Chara shrugged in response. Even they didn't know why the comedian would exit the Ruins. "I-I have to find him!" "What?! Hold up!" Chara floated in front of Frisk before they could go anywhere."First off Frisk, you don't know where the comedian is. Second, If the monsters see you they will attack!" "... I know... but..." Frisk looked away from Chara."Frisk. We both know the comedian well. He can look out for himself." Chara reassured to them."Yeah... your right Chara! I just have to stay determined!" Frisk looked out to the view and smiled."This is also my favorite spot too." Chara turned towards the scenery before smiling sadly."Yeah... It was one of his favorite's too," whispered Chara...The view of the Ruins fills you with DETERMINATION....̷̯̼͎͈̂̌̾̿.̷͍̪͕̤̭͋̃̊.̶̡̧͕̗̼̝͍̤̝͎͖̣̬͈̖̈́̀̉̓̀̋̚W̷͇̺̽̽̍͐̆̒̉̃̊̾́͊̓̋͘à̴̪̖̣͋̆̎̄͐̈̆͌͊͝͠k̸͖͎̭̑̌̈́̈́̆͐̏̃͠͝͝͠ę̴̭̗͔̝̰͈͔̋ ̵̨͔͙̻̠̰̠̤͇̯̪̌̐̎̒̾ͅũ̸͔̇̍̾͑̊p̸͇͔͉̥̦̅͊̋̈́͝ ̷̡̢̛̜͕̖̟̤͖̥̣̮̻̖̥̏̑̋̌́̀͋̂͌̈ͅM̸̳̫̱̘̺̺̯̘̗̻̠̰͐͂̑̏̾̕̕͘ȩ̷̨̨̨̹͕̜͙͔̩̥̺͕̪͕͊l̵̢̛̻̖̼̙͔̳̹̙̲͒̈̓̔̈́͒̐̉̇̀̕͘͜

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