It's You

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"Good night ... Mom."
Toriel looked up with a look of surprise before beaming at Frisk.
"Good night my child." Toriel gave her a hug before Frisk went into her room. Toriel sighed before sitting down to continue where she left off in her book. A moment later she heard someone approached her.
"Hello, Undyne." Toriel greeted without looking. Undyne shifted for a bit before sitting down.
"Hey...Queen Toriel." Undyne greeted to her. Toriel sighed once again. She had dropped her royal title when she left the throne long ago. She had told Undyne various times that she could just address her by her name, but she supposed that old never die.
"Undyne, I abandoned that title long ago. There is no need to address me as "Queen Toriel" anymore."
"Sorry..." Undyne frowned at the word. "Sorry" wasn't a word she said often. It felt weird to say it. Toriel smiled in understanding before going back to her book. Undyne shifted at the silence that had filled the room. She had come here to apologize to Toriel about the humans. Would she forgive her? No, she probably wouldn't. She killed humans. And not just any humans. Human kids! Kids that Toriel had taken care of before they left the Ruins!
"She'll never forgive me." Thought Undyne as she struggled to think of a way to apologize. She took a deep breath as she looked at the old queen again.
"Here goes nothing."
"Queen- I mean ...Toriel... I- I'm sorry."
Toriel looked up at Undyne with a confused expression worn on her face.
"Sorry? What are you apologizing for Undyne?"
"About the humans... "
Toriel smiled sadly at the mention of the human kids. A sting of guilt tugged at her soul. She had failed them...had she not? She had failed all of them, hadn't she?
"Oh, Undyne... you were just doing your job..." After all with the new rule that Asgore had made forced monsters to not help humans after all. Undyne was the Captain of the royal guards after all. All of her orders came straight from ... Asgore himself.
"Still! I-I should have... I should have..." Frisk had shown Undyne that not all humans were bad, and Undyne wished that she could fix all of her stupid past mistakes. She regretted everything that she had done.
Toriel set her book down and smiled at Undyne, but Undyne could see that the smile held many sorrows and regrets.
"Undyne... even though I don't agree with what you the humans... I will forgive you."
Undyne head snapped up to Toriel in disbelief and confusion. She was forgiving her? But why? She didn't deserve her forgiveness! Not after what she did. Not when she had planned to betray them.
"Y-your forgiving me?" Undyne asked. She had to have heard her wrong. She must have.
"Yes, I am forgiving you Undyne. Even if they had gotten past you... they... wouldn't have made it far." Toriel took hold of one of Undyne's hand and smiled reassuringly at her.
Undyne felt something wet trail down her face. Undyne touched her cheek and felt ...tears. When was the last time she had cried? It had been so long since that day... Toriel pulled Undyne into a hug. At that moment a dam broke inside of Undyne. Undyne cried into Toriel as she apologized over and over again. After a few minutes, Undyne had finally calmed down, rubbing the last of her tears she smiled slightly.
"C-can you tell me about... the human?" Undyne asked her. Toriel smiled happily.
"I would love to Undyne."

Frisk smiled and moved away from the door. Her plan worked! Even though the Underground she was in was different from the original one, she would make sure that everyone would get a happy ending. Snuggling into the warm bed. Sleep quickly came over Frisk.
Frisk woke up and knew that something was extremely wrong. Everything around her was dark and cold. Frisk hugged herself as she slowly got up.
"Where am I?" Frisk wondered out loud. Her voice echoed throughout the entire room. She felt... so lonely.
"C-chara?" Frisk called out.
Frisk was greeted with silence. Strange. Chara was always stuck with Frisk 24/7. Just where was she. And most importantly what was this place.
" this... the void?" Frisk thought as she started walking forward. No, she couldn't be in the void. She didn't even know how to get into the void.
"...But what if this is the void?" Frisk thought as she traveled farther into the darkness.
Frisk stopped to a halt at the voice. Ganz? Was Ganz in here too? No. That voice didn't sound like him. That voice... she swore that she heard that voice before. But... where? Frisk started searching for the source of the voice, leading her further into the Void. Suddenly Frisk came to a halt.
"...Ah... It's you."

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