A New Reason

547 18 3

Sorry about not posting. Also this is a bad chapter.

Frisk laughed at another one of Ganz's puns again. She wished that this moment would last forever. Frisk finished her slice of pie and set her fork down on the table.

"So good~" She thought. Toriel really does make the best pies in the world. It was creamy and had a pleasant aroma that felt like home. Frisk smiled at the people around her the smiles on their faces warmed her heart. It made her happy that she made such good friends, they felt like family to her. She hadn't felt this happy since she fell into the underground. Frisk smiled fell a little. Her brother was dead. The reason that she came here in the first place had been killed. So what would she do from now on?

"The barrier."

"The barrier?" Frisk thought as the voice continue.

"Break the barrier. Free the monsters. They deserve a happy ending." The voice whispered into Frisk ear. "The barrier! Of course." Frisk thought to herself. Suddenly Frisk felt a huge hand on her head. She looked up and saw Toriel smiling down at her. She reminded her of how a mother would look at her children.

"My child it is getting late now. I think it is time for you to go to bed." She said sweetly to Frisk as she rubbed her hand on Frisk's head. Frisk yawned and nodded in agreement. She was feeling tired now. Frisk slid off the chair and headed towards the room.

"Good night Toriel. Good night Ganz." Frisk called out to them.

"Good night my child." Toriel said.

"Good night kid." Ganz said.

Frisk jumped onto the bed causing the stuffed animal to fall off. Frisk reached down and picked up the stuffed bunny. She snuggled into the bed and before she knew it. She had fallen asleep. Frisk was awakened by the sound of someone crying. Frisk lifted herself up and sleepily rubbed her eyes. Now Frisk was fully awake and she was now certain that someone was in fact crying. Frisk scanned around the room for the source of the crying. Then her eyes landed on the figure that was across the room from her, the figure was crying into the other bed. Frisk could see that they were distraught over something or someone. The figure kept on saying sorry it was muffled but she could still make out some of the words. Frisk silently crept out of the bed and made her way towards the other, as Frisk got closer to them she realized that the figure was actually a child around the same age as themselves. They even had the same fashion sense like them. The child was wearing a light green and yellow stripe sweater, they had light brown hair, and had a red ribbon on their arm. Frisk took another step forward causing the figure to instantly turn their head around. There red eyes locked onto Frisk the other remained silent like they were waiting for something.

"H-hello. I heard you crying so um are you o-okay?" Frisk said softly to the other. The figured gasped in shock and surprised as soon as those words left Frisk mouth. The figure had to be sure if they were actually talking to them.

"You...you can see me?" They asked Frisk. Frisk nodded "I can see you."

The figure jumped at Frisk and grabbed her shoulder causing Frisk to jump a little.

"You can see me? You can hear me?" They asked Frisk as there grip on her tightened. Frisk winced a little before nodding a yes at them. The figure let go of her shoulder and took a step back. They couldn't believe it. Someone could see them... someone could actually see and heard them!

"Holy Asgore... You actually can." They whispered to themselves.

"Who are you?" They asked Frisk who seemed started by the sudden question. "O-oh! My name is Frisk!" Frisk said cheerfully. The figure smiled before introducing themselves to her.

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