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Emma's POV
I hate school and I'm so glad it's my last year only problem I failed English so now I two classes of that. I passed a lot of my other classes so I only have 4 classes for my senior year. English and then English 2, Algebra and P.E. So hopefully I won't get in any trouble or suspended and kicked off the soccer team. Did I mention I'm a trouble maker. I'm not rude or anything to teachers unless they ask for it and I just do dumb things. Like fight get caught cursing or skipping or pushing kids into lockers. Making out in the hallway. Doing stupid things that I should get in trouble for. They always say they will take me off the team but I'm their best player not to brag but I am and they would loose without me. We have a win streak for the past 4 years. And I'm not gonna loose it. I have so many trophies and awards and papers in my room on my wall. My mom did it for decoration. My adoptive mom that is. Her name is Mary Margaret and my adoptive father David. We are pretty close and he gets me because I'm reckless. But Mary Margaret doesn't and I get grounded a lot. Or my phone taken. Like I'm 12 or something. I work at the sheriffs office cause my foster dad is a cop and I wanna be one when I get out of high school. I already train in the summer. I've been tased so many times it doesn't faze me when they do the tase test. It's stupid but whatever.

I get up early for school well not early I've hit the alarm six times and Mary is gonna be mad if I'm late the first day of school. Not like it matters anyway. I put on black jeans and a white shirt. I always wear my gold chain and watch because I'm cool like that. I don't know. Then I put on black vans. I grab my backpack and my phone off the charger. I send a mirror picture for streaks. And I brush out my hair quickly. I recently cut it so it's now at my shoulders just a bit shorter. And I died it red. It's new and cool. I run downstairs and mom is cooking breakfast.

"Ready for school honey" she asks me.

"No I hate it but it's my last year and I won't disappoint" she kisses my head and I smile. The toast pops up and she butters it before throwing it to me. I catch it shoving it in my mouth. Then I run upstairs to brush my teeth and put deodorant on.

I get in my bug and drive to school. I get there park and head to my locker. I put my backpack in there and of course I have English first period then a two hour break and then the rest of my classes. "Emma" I bro hug the guys on the soccer team. "Ready kick ass this year" Robin the dushbag asks me. "Why are you talking to me" everyone laughs and I roll my eyes. I didn't mean for it to sound that rude. But whatever. The bell rings and I walk away heading the class. I sit down because the teacher isn't in here yet. I see Ruby my one and only girl friend. She's the only friend who's a girl I think I've ever had. I attract boys even though I like the opposite gender. She sits next to me and smiles.

"Did you hear the new teacher is smoking hot" I shrug and go on my phone. Why would I cat what our teacher looks like. I'll probably be skipping this class anyway. I didn't even notice the door close until a hear someone clear their throat and I look up to see the most amazing girl I've ever been lucky enough to see. Won't be skipping this class.

She's so hot. Her long brown hair descends down her back to the middle of it and it's pin straight. Unlike me. Her makeup is done perfectly. You couldn't even tell unless you really looked at her. Her long eyelashes. Her plump pink lips. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows. The scar above her lip making her 10x hotter. Her button nose. Don't get me started on her body. She's wearing a long sleeve green shirt and it's a v-neck showing off her amazing boobs. It looks like she tried to cover them but they just pop out. Her shirt is tight fitting and it's tucked into a black tight pencil skirt. She's a slim thick. Like super slip. I could wrap my arm around her. And damn. I bite my lip.

"Swan" I hear and snap out my staring trance and she points to the teacher giving me an unamused look. "Are you going to say here" she sasses turning me on. I lick my lip smiling. She gives me an annoyed look.

"Here" I say and she goes on with attendance.

"Open your notebooks and get a pen write about you. Something you can't get out your head. Something that captivates your mind. It could be anything but have it done and turned in at the end of class. I expect you all to be done."

I write about her because she's stuck in my head now. Gosh I want her! Send help. Please. I'm gonna die. I didn't finish when the bell rang but it should be enough to make her happy. She gave out the rule sheet today and I couldn't keep my eyes off her fine ass the whole time she was talking.

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