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Emma's POV

"Emma Swan." I hear my mom and I just walked in from Regina's house. I was over for dinner and dessert. I told her I went to my friends.

"Yes" I ask timid.

"Come here now" I go into to room and my mom is sitting on my bed next to three lace bras and one thong. A white shirt that's too small for me and nude pumps. Regina's stuff. I look down.

"Are you having sex?"

"Mom" I blush.

"I'm serious Emma. Do you have a girlfriend or something. Is that the friends house you're always at."

"No! And we aren't together."

"So you're just sleeping with her."


"Are you using protection?"

"No." I say quietly.

"Emma Swan! Have we not taught you better than this!"

"You have but I forget! Or caught in the moment."

"How many times did you sex with this girl."

"She's woman mom."

"She's older than you?"


"How old?"


"How many times?"

"A lot mom. I don't keep count."

"Like this week? Give me a number!"

I think about just this week. So it's only Thursday. Twice on Monday. Four times on Tuesday. And three times yesterday. We had sex twice in her office today. Or no. Three times. Before school ended. No and just before I came here. So four times today. Gosh. I am going to sound like a sex addict.


"Mom you don't want to know."

"If you don't Emma!"

"Mom I'm sorry but please don't make me."

"How many times have you had sex this week. It's only Thursday! What the hell Emma!"


"Alright today. How many times have you had sex today."

"Four times today and ten times this week."

"And none of them were protected!"

"No" I say looking down.

"How long has this been going on?"

"For like a month now almost two."

"She could be pregnant Emma. You would lucky if she isn't."

"I'm sorry, next time I'll wear a condom."

"No! There won't be a next time. You can't screw up your life now with a baby."

"Mom I can't not have sex with her."


"I don't know I just can't she's so- so aghhh. And every time I see her I just want to rip her clothes and fuck the shit outta her."

"Emma Swan!"

"I'm sorry."

"You have a warning Emma."

"Okay" She gets up leaving and I quickly phone Regina.

"Hi Miss Swan miss me already?" She says smiling at me and I sigh.

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