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Emma's POV

I wake up and groan. The headache coming in from my hangover. Fuck! I sit up and look over to find Regina reading a book with her glasses on.

"Morning baby" I whisper in her ear and she smiles.

"There's water and medicine for your headache" She says and goes back to reading.

"I feel like fucking death."

"Emma your mouth. Geez."

"Sorry baby. I can't help it" She smiles again. I take the pills and sigh feeling the cold water slide down my throat. I hum and roll over. I kiss her long tan neck and she doesn't move. I push her book down and my lips attach to her neck.

"I'm reading Em stop" She says.

"Fuck reading" I say finding her pulse point and she lets out a soft moan.

"Oh screw it!" She throws her book
and I move on top of her. Yeah that's definitely what I thought.

Regina washed me and then washed my hair and we had more sex. It was great.

"Baby we need to start wearing condoms or you need to be on birth control. I'm not ready for a baby just yet. Maybe in the future."

"You wanna have a baby with me?" She asks getting emotional.

"Of course. How gorgeous would our babies be. With your genes god damn. You sexy mamí" I say biting my lip.

"Stop we just got done with that" She says pushing my hands away. I smile and peck her lips.

"I'm so sorry for being a dick baby. I really am. But loosing you made me loose my shit Regina."

"Emma your mouth" I smile and peck her lips.

"I'm sorry baby."

"I know you're sorry. And I know what you were going through but you know I had to end this right?" I nod looking down.

"I didn't want to ruin your family. If we were together they would hate me and resent you for choosing me over your family. I couldn't do that to you. To them. I'm sorry too Em" She says.

"I understand but me and my parents relationship was gonna be fuck- screwed up either way. I can't believe they...." I laugh half heartedly and a tear falls from my eyes. She holds my face softly rubbing her thumbs over my cheeks like she always does with so much care.

"Em" She says sadly and I shake my head.

"I couldn't even cry anymore. I was just pissed. I wanted to hurt everyone trying to get in the way of me being with you. God I haven't even talked to my parents in almost two weeks. I don't even think I can see them right now. I'm so mad. They don't know how much that hurt me."

"This is all my fault." I grab her hand holding them on my face so she doesn't try and pull away. I know she won't but I need this.

"No don't do that now. We've been through too much this week. Please. It was a matter of time before they freaked out. But I will never ever regret fighting for you and wanting to be with you" She nods and I kiss her lovingly.

I'm back at school. The rumors have died down but people still have their thoughts and questions. I can't help that.

"Hey Emma. We have a sub today. Ugh. I'm about to just skip" says Ruby. I sit down and now realize Regina isn't here. I hope she's okay.

"What happened to Miss Mills?" I ask confused and concerned for my girlfriend.

"I'm sorry I'm late everyone. It's gonna be a free day" She walks in and sets her purse down and sits at the desk. Everyone stares at her in shock. I mean she's gorgeous but she doesn't look her smiley happy self.

"Is everything okay Miss Mills?" Sean asks.

"Um no."

"Can we ask what's wrong" Miley asks nervously. I look at Regina scared for what's going on and her eyes meet mine and all I see in pain.

"My sister Cher has passed" She looks down and everyone gasps.

"Shit I'm so sorry"

"Oh my god I'm sorry for your loss"

"I'm so sorry"

"Wow" Everyone having different reactions and I just wanna hold her. There's a knock on the door and Gold walks in.

"Miss Swan you've been called out in a family emergency and Miss Mills I've only just heard about your loss. I'll have someone come to do your classes today."

"Thank you Mr Gold." I pack my bag and leave. I drive to Regina's house and I unlock the door and walk in. The babies are with the babysitter and in the pre-k.

The front door opens and I stand up from the couch. She puts her stuff down and looks at me.

"Come here baby" She sits down and soon falls asleep in my arms. After a few hours I pick her up bridal style and carry her to her bedroom. I put her on the bed carefully and I know she's gonna be uncomfortable in her work clothes.. I don't want to make her feel like I invaded her privacy buy undressing her but I also have seen pretty much everything already. You're girlfriend is hurting Emma. Just change her. I don't think she'll mind. I slide her heels off and put them back into the closet where they belong. I find one of my big shirts she loves to sleep in and I unzip her skirt and slide that off. I unbutton her shirt and then lift her up to grab the shirt. I throw her clothes into the dirty clothes basket and then slide the shirt over her head. I put the covers over her body and kiss her head.

"I love you baby." I go to walk away when I feel a hand grab my wrist.

"Don't leave me, please" Her tiny fragile voice says.

"Of course princess" I peck her lips and slide my jeans and shirt off. I get in next to her. She rolls over and just looks at me. She has her hands together under her head. I slide my hand up her leg to her hip and pull her even closer.

"Ugh I hate how you have to wear socks in bed!" She groans and I laugh and kiss her head.

"I'm sorry baby" I lay down and her breathing slows down and she's soon asleep again and this time so am I.

I wake up to an empty bed and then I hear the faucet is on. She comes out the bathroom her hair a bit messy from sleep. I prop myself up and she lays on her back. She grabs my other hand holding it over her stomach. Is she? No. I rub her stomach with my thumb. Trying in any way possible to comfort my girlfriend. I just want to make everything okay. I can't stand the thought of her being sad and I don't want to see her sad. It makes me sad.

"You haven't cried my love. Are you sure you're okay? I'm worried about you baby" I keep my voice just above a whisper feeling if I get any louder I'm gonna scare her or she's gonna pull away.

"We weren't close. We fought a lot. We didn't get along but she's my sister. The last thing I said to her was 'I love you.' So that makes me feel a bit better because all we do is bicker with each other constantly. But I don't know how to feel. I'm just sad. And I'm glad you're here. I just want you close. I just want you-" I nod not letting her finish and I rest my head on her neck giving her light pecks every few seconds.

Whenever she doesn't feel good or on her period she loves when I do this. I quite enjoy being this close to my baby. I just like her so so so much. I never want to be apart.

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