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Emma's POV

"I still don't know your name and I think it's weird going around calling you Ms Mills even though when you say Ms Swan it is so sexy." I say helping her out the car.


"Even your name is sexy. You can call me papí all day if you want but I won't be able to keep my hands off you. And I might get so turned on that all take you behind the build and hope no one hears your screams of pure pleasure." I hold her hips pressing her against the car and she start blushing. But she looks angry. So angry and it's hot as fuck!

"Let's go inside." I open the door for her and she smiles walking in. Damn that smile is everything.

I sit down with Regina as she gets her nails done. They put on fake plastic nails to make it longer. I snapchat a picture. 'this woman' I post it and smile to myself.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing" I look at her and bite my lip. She looks back down at her nails. I get up and go to the bathroom. I went into the men's and luckily no one was in there to start stuff for a girl going in there. It makes me more comfortable to be in there.

"Um..... how much are her nails. The beautiful brunette" I ask one lady.

"For her 35" The lady says and I nod pulling out my cash. I hate wallets. I rarely use them. I give $40 she smiles and thanks me. I nod and sit back down.

"Where did you go" She asks.

"The bathroom. This takes a long time."

"I know" She says.

"Okay let's go" I say grabbing her hands.

"Bye" The lady says and I pull her out the door.

"Ms Swan what the heck. I didn't pay."

"Yes you did."

"I think I would remember if I paid."

"You're fine trust me."

"You paid. Why.m?"

"It wasn't expensive but you're welcome" I tease.

"I'm sorry thank you" I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Stop kissing me. People are going to think I'm gay or something."

"You slept with me you're already gay" I say getting into the car.

We drive back into town bantering the whole way there even into her house. She puts her purse down on the table and sits.

"Why can't you just admit it." I ask and she starts unzipping her boots. I bite my lip wishing I could see through her shirt right now.

"Because I'm not gay! I like men and I don't even know why I slept with you. It was a terrible mistake."

"A mistake you're going to make again." I say and she shakes her head and sits criss cross now that her boots are off.

"No I'm not" She says annoyed. I go to say something but my phone starts ringing. My mom. I forgot how I didn't go to school today.

"Who's that" She asks looking at my phone. I grab it quickly and walk away answering it. Jealous much?

"Hey" I say trying to sound like I'm totally innocent as fuck.

"What the hell! Why weren't you at school. I got called saying you skipped the whole day."

"I uh I'm sorry? I uh....." I don't have an excuse.

"I don't feel too well."

"And you didn't come home."

"I fell asleep. It got late."

"Not again. You better come home before dinner."

"What the fuck mom!"

"Excuse me!"

"I said. What the f-" Regina looks at me shaking her head.

"I said. I'll be home before dinner. I love you." She hangs up and I sigh and shake my head. I'm gonna be so grounded.

"Who was that?" Regina asks when I sit down.

"Are you jealous or sum."

"No I just..." She bites her lip and I lean forward kissing her. She puts her hand on my chest pushing me away.

"Stop kissing me!"

"It was my mom I'm in trouble for not coming home skipping school. I'm gonna be I'm so much trouble."

"I'm sorry I totally forgot your parents wouldn't be too happy about you skipping the day."

"It's not your fault Regina."

"No I'm still Ms Mills to you. Don't call me buy my name. You only got to because we were in public."

"Okay Ms Mills." I tease and I want her to call me papí. It's so sexy. I'll get her into my bed some time. And soon.

I get home and I walk inside and up to my room trying to avoid the fight.

"Emma Swan get down here now!" I walk into the living room and I sigh sitting down.

"Mom, dad before you yell and ground me. I'm sorry. I didn't think about my actions. I'm sorry."

"Sorry's not enough! You're grounded!" My mom walks out and I fall back onto the couch. It's not terrible but how am I supposed to see my secret lover now. Okay I sound I'm bat shit crazy and a stalker. But I would do it for that woman. In a heartbeat. I take a shower and hop into my comfy bed. I can't wait for school tomorrow. And that's the first time I've ever thought that.

I wake up happy and I get dressed in a  red champion hoodie. I put on a white champion shirt on under with red and blue lettering. I grab some black jeans and put on my OFF-WHITE Vulc low tops in black. These shoes are everything. I put my hair up into a bun. I think this weekend I'm gonna get a haircut. I wanna shave off my sides and just leave the top. I just am tired on this long hair. Yeah I'll go if I'm ungrounded in five days. Let's hope. I mean it was only one day of school.

"Mom I'm going to school."

"Straight to school and then you come right back." I nod and get into my car and I drive to school. I'm early and I see Regina's car. I park in front of her and head into the school. No one is really here but teachers at this time. I walk to her class and I see her sitting down with papers. She's wearing a red blouse with a black pencil skirt and I think her black heels. I walk in and lock the door. I'm about an hour early.

"Miss Swan" She says and stands up. I look her up and down. I lick my lip and grab her hand pulling her into her office.

"Regina, you look delicious" I say pushing her against the office door.

"What are you doing? And it's Miss Mills remember?" I push her skirt up and she pushes it back down.


"I want you do bad" I whisper.

"Emma" She whispers and I buck my hips to hers. She throws her head against the door. I slide my pants down and my boxers. I push her panties to the side and slide my fingers through her wet folds.

"Emma please" She moans and I slide into her easily. I'm not even in fully and she grabs my wrists. I squeeze her hips and she jerks her hips forward.

"Shh Regina" I tease and my lips meet her neck. "No marks papí I'm at school." She pants and I start thrusting into her. With every thrust comes a moan and I groan pecking her lips. I'm so close.

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