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Emma's POV

I wake up and roll over. I miss my girlfriend. I frown getting up. I take a quick shower and leave my hair wet. It takes my hair forever to dry so I'm just gonna leave it wet today. I put on a black tommy sweater with black ripped jeans and black checkered vans. I brush my teeth and head downstairs.

"Morning mom, dad"

"When are we going to meet your girlfriend?" My mom asks.

"Soon. I hope. She's busy with work and you guys are like never really here." They nod and kiss my head.

"Bye" I walk out and drive to school. I'm late fuck. I rush into class and I open the door. Everyone's heads turn to me.

"Miss Swan do you know what time it is?"

"I'm late I know" I say rolling my eyes and the class laughs. No! God she's gonna kill me. I find my seat and sit down.

"Detention after school" She says and goes back to teaching. I frown. I was doing so good. She knows my parents are going to kill me. Damnit my mom is gonna call me and wondering why I'm late.

After Regina's class I sit and wait for the next class. I don't even get up to talk to her. I sit on my phone when I get put into a group with people.

Ruby- Detention Swan?
Me- Damn everyone knows already
Killian- yep, what are you and Miss Mills going to do in a room all by yourselves hahaah
Me- what the hell does that mean?
Robin- since you punched me there's been rumors about you two dating
Me- are you joking? me with a teacher?
Ruby- you punched Robin
Me- he was being an ass. i would never let anyone talk about a girl like that!
August- calm down it's just a rumor
Me- well stop it i don't need this ruining soccer for me or my grades
Ruby- Okay okay stop guys

"Miss Swan!" I look up and the class is full. I see Regina in front of me with her hand out.

"Give me your phone" I sigh giving her a look like no. She glares at me and I hand her my phone.

"And that's another day of detention for you" I roll my eyes again and do my work.

"Man how did you manage piss off Miss Mills?"

"I was fucking late" I say to Peter.

"Damn you know she doesn't tolerate that shit."

"She over fucking reacted it's not that serious" I say before going back to writing.

I left school totally forgetting about detention. There's a knock on my front door and I get up from the couch and answer. My parents cars are here but no one is home? At least no one has came out their room is they are here.

"Regina not now" I say and she walks in anyway. Her heels click against the wooden floor and I sigh turning around to look at her.

"I don't want to fight. Please" I say going back on my phone.

"Look at me! You skipped detention. I'm adding another day and you better show up!"

"No! I'm not going! My parents are gonna kill me once they find out I have a fucking detention for three days! Are you kidding me and you know that. How could you!"

"I had to Emma!"

"Oh really" I say putting my phone down and crossing my arms.

"Yes because I don't know if you know but I've been to three meetings with Gold already because rumors are spreading that we are together! I can't loose my job and my kids! And then you! I can't give you special treatment because I'm dating you! That's not fair and you know the god damn rules Emma!"

"That's not my fault. You gave me detention knowing the shit I'm gonna get when I get home!"

"I can't give you special treatments Emma! Late to my class detention and on your phone is detention too. You know that! Don't act all surprised. Do you think I'm also gonna give you straight A's because you're sleeping with me?"

"No. I never said that!" I yell balling my hands together.

"Emma? Regina?" I sigh. I close my eyes.

"Fuck!" I say and both my parents come downstairs.

"This is your girlfriend? You're teacher? Are you kidding Emma" I shake my head and Regina looks at me in fear. Damnit.

"Look I'm sorry Regina. I really am. You should leave."

"No you can stay. So we can chat" Mom says and I sigh.


"No. Do you know how wrong this is? You're her teacher. You both know better. And you're having unprotected sex!"

"You told her!" Regina looks at me and I nod.


"She found your stuff here."

"Are you going to tell Gold?"

"Yes" I look at my mom in shock.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Emma" Regina sighs.

No! Please tell me you're joking mom."

"I'm not. This can't go on any longer."

"I'm not breaking up with her" I look over at her and she shakes her head.

"Emma it's not. I'm not worth it."

"Yes you are! Mom you can't do this to me! I- You can't do this. That's my girlfriend." I say in shock that she would even consider doing this.

"Maybe we should break up Emma. I don't want to cause all this in your family. I- we" I shake my head cutting her off.

"No. No! NO! I'm not doing this. I'll drop out I'll do online classes then you're not my teacher. Please I'll do anything" I say and a tear falls from my eye. She wipes my face and tears fall from her eyes too. She holds my face and I set my forehead against hers. She runs her thumbs over my face softly. This can't be happening.

"Goodbye" She says and I pull her close and shake my head. I don't say anything. The tears fall and I keep shaking my head.

"This isn't happening. This isn't happening. I can't loose you Regina. I can't do it!" I sob and she backs up.

"Please don't" I cry.

"I have to Em. I'm sorry" She opens the door and I watch tears fall down her face and she walks out.

"Are you happy now! Are you fucking happy! Did you get what you want! Fuck you! FUCK BOTH OF YOU!" I run upstairs and trash my room. I throw everything around. Ripping stuff. Breaking glass. I throw my TV and everything. I sit down on the floor and cry.

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